R & R

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Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedeeeeeeetttttttttttttttttsssssssssssssss gooooooooooooooo

Y/N's POV:

I scratch in a new tally mark on my helmet. 7 marks, 7 battles. Sighing I stand up and place my helmet back onto my head and make sure my blasters are holstered before walking out and heading towards the vehicle bay.

Jaeger: Frost!

I turn around.

Y/N: Hm?

Jaeger: Where are you headed?

Y/N: I'm off to Mandalor with the General.

Jaeger: Why?

Y/N: She asked me to come along with her on business.

Jaeger: Why not Commander Glade?

Y/N: He's doing his own thing and I was next in the chain of command.

Jaeger: Uh-huh sure. Alright take care Frost.

Y/N: You two.

I continue walking to the vehicle bay and I see the General standing next to a personal transport ship. She smiles at me as I approach.

Y/N: I'm here.

Valk: Good to see you Frost. Let's get a move on shall we?

Y/N: Copy that boss.

I step into the ship and it's empty aside from us two. We take off and perform a hyper space jump. My stomach does cartwheels as we speed through the galaxy. Eventually we come out and in front of us is the planet of Mandalor.

Valk: There it is.

She places her hand on mine.

Valk: Home.

I hold her hand as we begin to descent down onto the planets surface. It's bare and desolate save for a few domes.

Valk: Inside those domes are large cities with their own ecosystems. It's quite amazing considering it's all in a dome.

Y/N: Sorta like Survos?

Valk: Minus the snow yeah.

Our ship lands outside the dome.

Y/N: So how do we know this'll be here when we get back?

Valk: The mandalorians are an honorable society. Stealing a transport ship is below them.

I nod and stand up from my seat. She stands as well and looks at my helmet.

Y/N: Do I have something on it?

Valk: No it's just...I don't know how they'll react to you coming in looking like that.

Y/N: Coming in like what?

Valk: Your armor. It's best if you leave that here. They don't like the Republic much.

Y/N: Okay...

I start removing my armor until I'm in my black shirt and black shorts.

Y/N: I feel naked.

Valk: Well it's that or you get shot and we wouldn't want that.

She presses up against me and I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her.

Valk: I'll never get tired of that. Come on let's go.

We exit the ship and hold hands as we enter the dome. I see civilian ships flying about. An artificial sky. Buildings as tall as the dome it's self. Families walk around clad in mandalorian armor.

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