Phase 2

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Leeets get ready to rumbllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeee

Y/N's POV:

I sit in my quarters with a knife in my hand. I start to carve in 6 tally marks. I've survived 6 battles in my time.

Y/N: Geonosis, Kerell, Tamuta, Survos, Kamino, And Gastro.

Setting the helmet back onto my head I step out and make my way down to the mess hall where I sit with Commander Glade and Jaeger.

Glade: Frost.

Y/N: Commander.

Jaeger: So did you guys hear about that new armor we're supposed to be issued?

Glade: Phase 2 armor yeah. Supposed to be tougher and let us have more mobility than our current armor.

Y/N: I didn't realize we were being issued new armor.

Glade: No yours stays the same. You Arcs have been wearing phase 2 armor since your Arc graduation.

Y/N: Oh I didn't realize.

Glade: A supply ship is supposed to be docking sometime soon to drop off the armor.


Glade: 2 hours from now.

Jaeger: I'm just glad to get out of this armor, practically squeezes me in all the wrong places.

Y/N: I think your just wearing it wrong.

I finish up my food and decide to take a walk. I end up at the bridge of the ship over looking the black void known as space.

Valk: Beautiful isn't it?

I turn my head and see the General leaning against the door frame.

Y/N: It's something I'll say.

Valk: The boys are getting new armor.

Y/N: That they are, mine stays the same apparently.

Valk: That's good, I like the way you look.

Y/N: Huh?

But she's already gone. How did she do that?

Y/N: Must be something in the water.

Some time passes and the supply ship finally arrives. I see to it that everyone gets their armor and is fitted properly.

Jaeger: I feel like a new man.

Jaeger: I feel like a new man

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Y/N: Looking good boys.

The supply ship leaves and we go about our business. Suddenly the ships alarms blare to life.

Y/N: What the hell?

Our ship shakes as something hits us.

Glade: We're under attack!

I run to the bridge and see 4 Separatist war ships in front of us.

Jaeger: Where the hell did these guys come from?!

Bridge Crew Member: Damn bastards came out of hype space! They hit our slip space drive!

Y/N: We need to evacuate!

Jaeger: Agreed!!

I run down to my quarters and open up my locker and grab both Jet and Tank's dog tags. Unfortunately I've got to leave his gun behind. I grab the graduation picture and put them all into my tactical hardcase and start running towards the escape pods.

Glade: Frost come on!

The ship shakes and something crashes onto me.

Y/N: Damnit! Go!

Glade: Are you su-

Y/N: Yes I'll see you down where ever the hell we end up!

Glade presses a button and his pod closes and is launched out of the ship. I try to wiggle out from whatever has me pinned.

Y/N: Not here. I'm not going to die here damnit!

Whatever has me pinned is thrown off and I see the General standing above me.

Valk: Come on Frost we're leaving!

She helps me up and we manage to make it to a pod and not a second to spare as fire races towards the pod. We launch ourselves away from the ship and our escape pod hurls towards a planet below.

Y/N: Fuuuuuuck

The pod shakes violently as we're thrown around. I manage to use my grapple to somewhat stabilize me and I help the general sit down and put on her harness. I do the same.

Valk: Any last words captain?!

Y/N: Fuck those damn clankers!

We enter the planets atmosphere and our pod shakes hard.

Y/N: I see the ground approaching!

The ground gets closer and closer to us.

Y/N: Brace for impact!

We crash into the ground and everything goes black for me. Eventually I come back to reality and find a knocked out General and our pod full of smoke. I get myself out my harness and kick open the door. I grab the General and step out.

Y/N: Where the hell are we?

My comms go off kinda garbled.

Glade: Thi-...Comma-...De. Is the- one...out ther-

Y/N: Commander this is Captain Frost where are you?

Glade: Villa- by reflec-.........lake.

The comms go quite and I look to my unconscious General.

Y/N: Well shit.

I step back into the pod and search for supplies. I only find rations and a fire starter. Everything else is destroyed. I hear the sounds of running and I step out of the pod and see this pirate looking man running with the General on his shoulder.

Y/N: Not on my watch!

I unholster my pistols and fire two shots into the mans back killing him. I run to the General and lift her up. Inspecting the man I realize he has a tattoo of a slave trading organization.

Y/N: We must be on some type of slave planet.

I carry the General away from the pod and into an open field. Granted it has horrible cover but amazing visibility. I manage to start a fire and I sit defensively by her.

Y/N: We're gonna get out of this General. Take your time I'm not going anywhere.

I hear movement and scan my surroundings. I can see about 5 men with rifles moving around. Aiming my pistols at them I lead two of my targets and fire. My shots are dead on as 2 of the men drop dead.

Y/N: Alright who else wants some!

One of the men stops and goes prone. I quickly shoot him through the scope of his rifle. The last two start running away but I shoot them down quickly.

Y/N: Damn slavers.

Valk: Frost?

I turn around and see the General looking up at me.

Y/N: Ah General glad to see your up.

I sit next to her. My hands still holding my pistols as I watch for any other signs of movement. I feel a hand brush up against mine. I look and see the General has her hand on mine. I holster my pistol and hold her hand.

Valk: Thank you Frost.

Y/N: Anything for you boss.

Aaaaaand scene

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