17 : It's a dare!

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I said affirmed her and dragged Casey along with me, all while feeling Stefan's glare on my back. I sighed, it was going to be a long night.

When we got out, Keith sighed. "Finally. I thought that boy won't let you leave without another brawl."

I shook my head. "I don't know what goes on in that stupid head of his."

"Probably nothing." Hannah snickered.

Casey mumbled something under her breath and climbed the back seat. I followed her in. Hannah took the front seat and Keith drove off towards Tilly's house. We got there under twenty minutes and Keith parked a few houses down from where the party was at so we could easily leave if we wanted to. 

Tilly greeted us with a wide, enthusiastic and drunk grin and told us to enjoy before pressing her lips onto a guys I recognized from school. Keith found the girl he had been 'hanging out' with and went to fetch her.

"Stay by my side all the time." I shouted to Casey over loud music and she must have been scared seeing the shenanigans of a high school party because she pressed closer to me and nodded. I took her hand in mine and squeezed it.

"Drinks?" Hannah asked. 

"We'll both take sodas." I said referring to me and Casey.

Hannah nodded. "Alright, head over to the couch over there, it's unoccupied and save me a seat, yeah?" With that, she disappeared into where I hoped kitchen was.

I dragged Casey with me and sat us both on the said unoccupied couch. From where we were sitting, we had a full view of the party. Who came, who left, who danced with who, who made out with who - everything was at the perfect view.

Moments later, Hannah joined us on the couch and handed us our sprites. Before she could sit, though, a guy from school asked her to dance and she left with him. Not wanting see my best friend grind her hips over someone's crotch, I removed my gaze only to see Stefan and his friends entering the house along with Seth. Tilly greeted them the same as she did us but with a swift kiss on the corner of Stefan's mouth. I scoffed at that and turned my gaze away, involving myself in a conversation with Casey and another girl from school.

 Not even minutes passed before we were interrupted.

"Can I sit here?" Asked a soft, familiar voice. 

I looked up to see Seth looking at us expectantly while Stefan glared our way from a few feet away. I cocked a brow at him. "Why? Shouldn't you be with your brother?"

The little King rolled his eyes. "They're all older and planning on getting drunk. If I'm not careful, they'll maybe force me too and I don't want that. Besides, Casey is the only person here who I know who is my age." He said convincingly.

I myself didn't want to carry the guilt of a thirteen year old getting forced to drink alcohol just because I didn't want to protect him. Screw Stefan, Seth's a kid and I'll protect him. I looked at Casey and raised a brow as if to ask if she has any problem with me. "I might as well suffer." She said innocently. 

I nodded and motioned to Seth to join us who scowled at Casey before taking a seat on the other side of her. I engaged in a heated conversation with Gail, the girl from before about who was a better villain - Joker or Thanos. I of course voted for Joker. Joker is goals.

I don't know how much time passed but soon, a drunk Keith stumbled over to us. "There's my favorite girl." He slurred, sitting on my lap. I wheezed.

"You're heavy, Keith."

He pouted. "But I love youuu." He sang.

"Uh, Sure." I said trying to push him off me.

He sighed but got off me but instead of letting go, he pulled me up with him. "Let's go. Everyone's down in the basement playing games."

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