5 : The Family Drama

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"It's kidnapping, mom!"

"Not when you are going to stay there willingly."

"It's not willingness, mom. I'm not staying under the same roof with that idiot."

"Trust me, honey, I don't want you near that stupid boy, either. But we've got no choice." My father said sighing guiltily.

"I'm so not happy about this arrangement." Grandpa grumbled from his seat on the couch while my parents and I were involved in a heated argument about whatever occurred at Josie's place. Carl, Colton and Casey were sitting there bored.

"Dad please, you're not helping." Dad groaned and sat beside grandpa with a thump. Grandpa huffed annoyingly and walked out of the living room mumbling, "Is Emery kills that Stefan boy, I'll make sure to take that blamed." causing me to laugh.

Dad eyed me warily. "What are you laughing at?"

I just shrugged. "I'm seriously not staying under the same roof as Stefan King, dad." I diverted his attention to the topic on hand. He looked at mum who looked annoyed.

"Josie gave me no choice." She argued.

"Casey and I could stay at Hannah's place, Mum, and Keith won't mind having Carl and Colton at his place for a month. They even suggested it today at school." I whined.

"I'm not staying with that player." Colton groaned.

My mum sighed and took a place beside dad. "And I'm not letting you guys live separately for a month without adult supervision."

"Hannah and Keith both happen to have both parents, mum." I snapped because mum's words offended my friends.

"Who are away on business trips." She shot back.

"So are you and dad." I retorted and instantly felt guilty. Mum and dad looked disappointed too. "I'm sorry." I mumbled quickly.

"Okay so how about we solved it logically?" Carl piped in, saving me from further guilt and I shot him a thankful smile which he returned. "Majority votes? Who has a problem with living at Josie's along with the King siblings?"

"Me." My voiced echoed and I was shocked to see neither Casey, Carl or Colton agreed with me. "You guys don't mind?" I asked incredulously.

The three of them shrugged. "Not really." Casey said. "I mean, if we can avoid them altogether, it should be cool. We'll be at school during the day and enjoy with friends during the evening. We will only have to meet up during dinner or whenever Josie calls a joint meeting to reprimand us about bad behavior, if any."

I scoffed. "Yeah, you're saying it because you guys have boyfriend and girlfriends. Carl can be with Tanya, Colton spends majority of his time at the library or with Jade and you are either with Nigel or at your Drama Club. What about me? I'm usually home all the time."

Colton spoke, "You can always be at Hannah's. She's single too and might use some company. You can always be back by dinner time so you have enough time to spare with us and to do homework. Also, even if we are stuck with the King kids, we can always form the James team, we'll keep you occupied, Clara. What are siblings for?"

"And I'll make sure that the Stefan kid doesn't trouble you more than you can handle." Carl said flexing his biceps.

The concern from my siblings made me smile. "I guess that works." I sighed and my parents squealed and hugged each other like kids.

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