How did I end up here again?

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I laid on the mat panting for air covered in my sweat as Mystic stood above me watching me with a cold set of eyes. And for some reason they didn't seem cold or evil they seemed soft and gentle. As I looked at her she said "Hurry up!!! Get up you flame brain!!!" I tried my hardest to get up, but as much as I tried I couldn't get up. Mystic was in a black tank top with some black shorts. And I was half naked. With my pants and my shirt on the other side of the room. 'How can Mystic not be tired? She hasn't even broken a sweat? Wow, she's Amazing!' As I stared at her she grunted as she walked over to me. She bend down and moved her face closer to mine. I felt my face heat up thinking she was going to kiss me, but that idea faded when I felt myself being raised from the mat. She helped me sit up and asked "Do you want me to go get your shirt?" I replied by nodding my head. She stood up and walked to the other side of the room and picked up my black tee-shirt. I watched her stand up gracefully as she left my side and with every step she took there was a light tap to it, as if she was walking on glass that she didn't want to break. Her hair was let loose and although she changes the color of her hair plenty of times. I imagine her with long blonde locks and chocolate colored eyes. And some how she remains of Lucy. I guess I was paying to much attention to her because when I finally got caught up in the real world she was sitting in between my legs with playful eyes and a smirk plastered on her face. She looked at me and said "What? Like what you see?" when she said this my face heated up and I felt a blush trying to creep up on my face, but I forced it to not make an appearance. She laughed and then handed me my shirt and stood up. I grabbed the shirt and placed it on. When I finished putting my shirt on u just stared at her and marveled her beauty.


As Natsu was putting on his shirt I thought how in the hell did I end up with him in a room. I tried to recall what happened and then I remembered.


I was eating breakfast with the six generals when Ignition came in and said "Mommy a dragon burned the main hall." I spit out my breakfast and said "What do you mean honey?" he ran up to me and sat himself in my lap and said "Mommy I said a dragon burned down the main hall." I placed him in Midnight's lap and said "Take care of him for a bit." I felt a tick mark appear on my forehead and by the look on the mages faces I could tell I had a black deadly aura surrounding me. As I reached the main hall there stood Natsu, Erza, Gray, Juvia, and Lisanna trying to turn the fire off. I ate the flames and looked at the five mages in front of me with a deadly glare that even made the mighty "Titania" shiver. My voice boomed across the hall and I yelled "WHICH ONE OF YOU IDIOTS BURNED DOWN MY FREAKING DAMN HALL!!!" they all looked at me and pointed their fingers towards Natsu. He gave them "the your gonna get look" I walked over to him grabbed his ear and dragged him into the training. I ignored all of his sissy "ow's" and "it hurts". I threw him on the mat and said "Because of your insolence I will train you. To become a better dragon slayer you got that!" he just tsked and nodded his head. I glared at him and said "Don't you tsk at me!" he then got up and we began fighting. He threw a punch towards my face, but I grabbed it and turned him around as I placed his arm between his shoulder blade and he fell face forward dragging me down with him. I smirked as I sat on his back with his arm still between his shoulder blade and watching him squirm like the worm he was, but for some reason I smiled and thought of all those good times I spent with him and Happy in the old days. I guess I was lost in my own world because before I knew it I was pinned to the ground with my arms above my head and with Natsu hovering above me. He smirked and said "Give up already?" I smirked and said "I'm just getting started!" I then kicked him between the legs and he let go as he grunted in pain holding his front. He then recovered and we began fight again.


I laid on the mat with Natsu after our training. I noticed he was shirtless and I felt a blush on my face.


I still stared at Mystic I guess she was thinking how we ended up here. She then shrugged her shoulders and sat next to me. There was a question that kept roaming my head and I finally had the urge to ask her. I took a deep breathe and said "Hey, Mystic?" she only hummed and I took that as a 'ask away'. She looked at me and then I asked her "Mystic, what's the story behind Ignition. I looked at her facial expression. At first she had a face that showed no emotion, but after I asked her the question her face was shocked and I noticed a tint of feat in her eyes. She looked away from me and "Well............"


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