The room was engulfed in silence again. Jimin and Taehyung thought over Jungkook's words. It was the first time the younger had spilled his heart out like this.

Jungkook closed his eyes, not letting the few tears fall. The boy was never taught how to deal with emotions, the only thing his parents gave him were lessons how to be successful and happy. They never told him how to get over sadness or handle rage.

"You should try meditation."

The boy looked up in surprise. Jin stood near the hallway, leaning against it. His eyes were downcast and voice timid. Jungkook knew he was to he blamed for that.

"Meditation, yoga... These things can help you to deal with your anger", Seokjin clarified, shuffling on his feet.

Something fluffy flitted behind the man. Jungkook saw a shadow of a tail, dark purple with hints of black. He had seen it before, when they first met, but right now, it seemed cuter.

"I know ways to deal with anger but when I have to apply those ways, I'm not able to", Jungkook whispered, looking desperate, "And please, don't think that I want you to forgive me because I'm this sad pathetic boy who knows shit to handle his emotions. But... I just want you to know, that I'm trying, and I'm so sorry for everything that I said to you."

Seokjin kept looking down for a few moments, his feet no longer shuffling. Finally he looked up, his eyes hard and empty.

"I'm not angry with you, I don't have any right to."

It hurt, it really did. But Jungkook didn't completely understand Jin's words.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You're my owner, and I'm your servant. We get angry at people whom we have relations with. I'm no one to you, and you are no one to me."

Jungkook looked down, pain and regret making his heart feel heavy.

"I have no right to feel anything towards you, not even anger."

Jimin wanted to interrupt and say something but this was a mess their maknae had made and this time, he'll have to fix it.

"I understand", Jungkook whispered, defeated. Those words hurt him deeply, but it made him realise how much it would have hurt Jin to be insulted like that.

"Seokjin, can I ask one question?" Jungkook whispered after a few seconds.

The hybrid nodded, eyes wide in anticipation.

"Are you... Scared of me?"

The odd question made Taehyung frown but Jungkook knew that if the answer was yes, then he had really lost his new relationship with Jin.


The word cut deeper than any physical wound could have, and as sad as Jungkook felt, he was also determined to change it.

"I promise, soon, I will earn your trust", he declared, looking directly at the man.

Seokjin was still looking at him with the same empty eyes, his smile gone and tail no longer swishing.

"I don't think so", he whispered and turned around.

The tail stayed wrapped around his waist and the sight made Jungkook smile a little, his will strengthening.

"You really want him to forgive you", Jimin later said, looking at his maknae.

"I do. But I also want to be better for the both of you. You have helped me, even though you were as clueless as I was. I owe this to all three of you."

Taehyung grinned at his words, happy that their maknae was going to try.

"Guess your heart really calls out to this kitty, huh", Taehyung winked.

"I don't know that yet... But I really want him to be comfortable around me. How will I be any better than those bullies if Jin fears me?"

Jimin nodded, patting the boy's back.

"Kook, you do what you want, and we'll try out best to help you."

Jungkook smiled gratefully at his friend, feeling blessed to have these two.

"Okay then, where should we start from?" Taehyung asked.

"Let's look for a yoga instructor."

Jungkook is me, I am Jungkook.

I've always found it so hard to control my anger, to not let my emotions hurt others. I think we all can relate to Jungkook on various levels. But I hope that we, just like JK, can get better and better with time.

Thank you for reading, leave votes and follow if you haven't ❤️ Bye bye, and remember, asking for help doesn't make you weak ☺️

Exchange for Love (Jinkook)| By DewWhere stories live. Discover now