Chapter 8

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(Y/n) P.O. V.

"You saw blood too?" Stan asks. "Not blood. G-G-Georgie." I'm not that shocked. "Before we got the call from the hospital. Water dripping from the ceiling woke me up in the middle of the night. I-I went to get buckets when I heard something run into the basement. I went to see. It seemed so real. It seemed like him, but there was this..." Eddie cuts Bill off. "Clown? Yeah, I saw It too." No, no, no, no, this can't be happening. I start freaking out. I pace about the street. "Can only virgins see this stuff? Is that why I'm not seeing this shit?" Richie says. For once I don't laugh.

"This isn't a joke, Richie." I'm on the verge of tears. They all look at me. "(Y/n), what's wrong?" Bev asks tentatively. I shake my head violently. "It." Is all I say. They all rush to my side. Bev holds my face her hands. My terror reflects in his eyes. "It was what took you, wasn't It." I nod, sobbing by this point. "It, Pennywise, wants to kill us. It tried, everyday, to make me afraid. It failed because I thought- I thought if It was chasing me, other people were safe. I never showed fear because I never have before, but now I can't hold it in anymore. Now I know why I escaped, It wanted me to be scared, and now I'm more scared then I have ever been."

Bev wraps me in a hug. I cry into her shoulder. Once I feel that there are no more tears left, I look up. Across the street I see a bike and a car. "Guys... isn't that Belch Huggins car?" I ask. "We, we better get out of here." Eddie says. "But look, isn't that the home-schooled kid's bike?" Bev asks. "Yeah, that's Mike's. We have to help." I raced off the find Mike and the bullies.

Third Person P.O.V.

Bev admired the way that (Y/n) handled herself. Strong was the only word to describe her best friend. The way she was scared and crying one minute, then seemingly okay the next to help some random kid. Seemingly okay was a relatively bad term. Seemingly being a key word. (Y/n) was nowhere near okay, but she was determined to get past it. Like she always did before.

(Y/n) P.O.V.

The small path leads me too a small creek. On the opposite side, Bowers' gang is shoving Mike's face into the ground. The other losers come up behind me as I chuck a rock at Bowers, hitting him just enough of him to let Mike go. Mike crawls to us through the creek. Bowers looks at us, looking genuinely surprised at the sight of me. "What the Hell? You're alive?" He asks. "No. I came back to haunt your ass." I say then chuck another rock at them, hitting one of his friends after Henry ducks. Henry's eyes land on Beverly. "You losers are trying too hard. She'll do you, as long as you ask nicely. Like I did." He makes a gesture with his crotch.

"Fuck off Bowers." I shout. He glares at me. "And you, how many of these twats have you fucked. Two, three?" I see an angry Eddie pick up more rocks, hurling them across the creek. "Rock War!" Richie shouts before he fits hit in the head. Rocks fly in both directions. A rock hits me on the head. I fall back, severely dazed due to lack of full strength. "Shit! You alright, (Y/n)?" Eddie asks as he helps me into a sitting position. I see Henry and his gang running away. "Go blow you dad you mullet wearing asshole!" Richie shouts after them. I giggle before answering Eddie. "I think so. Thanks, Eds." I say. He pouts at the nickname, but still helps me stand.

"Thank guys, but now he'll be after you too." Mike says. "Henry is always after us, so that doesn't matter. Welcome to the losers club." I say, crouching in front of the chocolate skinned boy. He smiles at me. "Is that supposed to be a good thing?" He asks. I laugh, and help him up. As we all start walking back to our bikes, I stumble a bit. Eddie comes up next to me. "Are you sure you're okay. You just came back, not fully healed, threw up, and got hit on the head with a rock. You could have a concussion, or internal bleeding, or-" I cut the worrying boy off. "I'm fine, Dr. K. Thanks for checking up." I smile. He sighs but doesn't persist. I'm glad because I don't know if I could have kept lying.

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