"When he broke up with you, was it bad?"

"Nope. Not at all. He just, got in a taxi and left me standing on the sidewalk." I commented. Of course that wasn't our official break up. He broke up with me the day before when he screamed at me that he didn't love me. "He told me he didn't love me."

"He told you that?" I nodded. Hearing those words come out of his mouth hurt even now almost a year later.

"I will never forget the look on his face. He was so cold and... Distant. Like he wasn't mine anymore."

"Did you believe him?"

"At the time I did. Now I don't. I don't think he's happy in his relationship and the sooner he realizes that, the sooner he'll be mine again."

"You would get back together with him?"

"In a heartbeat." The screaming from downstairs continued for a while. It almost got the point where I was going to stomp on the floor to tell them to knock it off. Ashton came into the apartment and looked at both of us in bewilderment. "What the hell is going on down there?" I asked. He just looked at me and his eyes softened. "What?"

"Luke and Kristen are getting married." The breath was caught in my throat and I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"What?" Nicole was the first to break the silence. I was shocked by Ashton's words.

"That's what the screaming was about." I stared at the wall taking in the words being exchanged between Nicole and Ashton. I couldn't believe that my Luke was getting married. But he wasn't my Luke anymore. Tears flowed down my cheeks and I rushed passed both of them and slammed my bedroom door closed and locked it behind me.

I flung myself onto the bed screaming crying into the pillows. I had officially lost him and I was crushed. Every bone in my body was in pain. Every organ shut down.

"McKinley, open the door." I heard Ashton from in the hallway as he knocked on the door. I wanted everyone to leave me alone. I would never be able to look at any of them the same. They were Luke's friends. Not mine. I was going to lose all of them the second he got married. Married to someone who wasn't me.

"He's a fucking liar!" I screamed turning my head so they could hear me.

"Open the door." His voice was a little more panicked. I quickly stood and opened the door for him. Calum and Nicole were both stood in the hall looking in on the disaster that was me. Ashton quickly came in and closed the door behind him to block from me. I got back into bed and covered myself with all of the blankets. Ashton was right behind me wrapping me in his arms. "Why is he a fucking liar?" He asked as I rested my head on his shoulder and looked at him as tears steadily streamed from my eyes.

"He said he was going to marry me someday." I whispered. Marriage wasn't something that you just did for fun.

"It didn't happen the first time. It won't happen this time either." Ashton smoothed my hair along my back.

"One of these times it's gonna stick." I whispered. He held me closer as I cried. I felt like a child. It was stupid to be crying over him. He didn't deserve my tears. Ashton's words were enough to calm me down to fall asleep.


I slowly rolled my arm and body out from under McKinley and careful walked into the living room where Nicole and Calum were sitting. They both stood up as I came out.

"She's asleep." I commented. "I'm gonna stay here tonight but do you guys wanna order food or something?" I asked.

"Yeah. We should probably get her something too." Nicole commented going to the kitchen. She brought out a few menu's that we could choose from.

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