Chapter 25

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I don't know why Celeste trusted Luke to watch Emmett but she did. I think she was more confident in my abilities to care for a child than Luke's ability. Still, we were sat on the couch, Emmett laying on my legs, watching a movie. Celeste and Jack had wanted a night to themselves and since we don't get to see Emmett all that often, she let us watch him. 

She had gone everything we could possibly need to know. How to make a bottle was number one. I think I could handle the rest. We would see what would happen once he started crying.

"I'm hungry." I commented. 

"What do you want?" He asked. I shrugged. 

"I think I want a buffalo chicken wrap with blue cheese and lettuce." I answered. 

"Alright, I can order it. French fries too?" He asked. 

"Sure." I commented moving Emmett to my arm. He had his eyes open but I'm sure he wouldn't be awake for much longer. Luke ordered our food before standing. 

"Are you gonna be okay along with him for a little bit?" He asked as he slipped his shoes on. 

"Yeah." I answered taking a picture of Emmett. "I'll call if I need you." I answered. He leaned down to kiss me before heading out the front door. I grabbed Emmett's blanket and laid it over him before holding him closer to me. He fussed when the pacifier fell out of his mouth and I quickly put it back in. I rocked a little trying to get him to relax. I kissed his nose smiling at him. He was looking up at me as I hummed to him. 

His eyes closed and never opened as he finally relaxed in my arms. I quickly took a picture and sent it to Celeste so she could know that her child was still alive and well before slowly setting him into the cot that she gave to us. I turned the tv down so he could rest before Luke came in the door with our food. 

"How did it go?" He questioned. 

"Good. Got him to sleep." I smiled proud of myself. I had never taken care of a kid before. I mean Audrey but she was old enough to take care of herself. I had never had to take care of someone who was totally dependent on me. 

"Best auntie in the world." He smiled making me chuckle. We sat in the living room to eat so we could be close to Emmett. "Think he could sleep in that all night?" 

"I think so." I answered as I ate. An hour later Emmett woke up and he was not happy with how fast Uncle Luke was making the bottle. "You have to shake it." I answered. I then watched Luke shake the bottle and quickly put it in Emmett's mouth. I chuckled a little and grabbed the bottle from Luke's hand to hold it for him. "Can you get me a burp cloth?" I asked. He dug around in Emmett's diaper bag. 

"This?" He held it up.

"Yeah." I answered. He placed it over my shoulder as I fed Emmett. At 2, I sat him up on my knee, held him under the chin, and burped him. "Gonna have to change his diaper after this." I commented as I laid him back down to finish the bottle. Luke prepared the diaper and wipes. I was going to see if he was going to offer to change the diaper. Once Emmett was done eating, I grabbed the diaper. "You wanna change him?" I asked. 

"Uh. Maybe I'll just watch you." I chuckled before laying Emmett down and taking his pants off before unclipping his onesie. 

"Hand me his pj's too." I answered grabbing the wipes. I tucked the clean diaper under him before undoing the top one. I knew with boys you had to change them fast because they could spray. I opened his diaper and Luke automatically gagged. I chuckled before deciding to cover him with a wipe so if he did spray it wouldn't be as bad. I wiped him up, made sure his back was good before removing the first diaper and strapping on the new one. I made sure it covered him completely before putting his pjs on. "He looks so snuggly." I answered wrapping up the dirty diaper and throwing it in the trash while Luke picked him up. 

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