Chapter 14

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My first ever red carpet event was tonight and I was freaking out. A few of the songs that we produced were in a movie and we were invited. It was a strange feeling having people take picture after picture of you.

I had a beautiful woman attached to my arm but when I looked at her, she wasn't the beautiful girl that I wanted. I had no idea how to tell her this. So I kept it to myself. I went through the motions with her. Dates. Sex. Movie nights. Sex. Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner. Sex. Over and over again.

"Are you okay?" She asked holding a cup of tea and standing at the end of my bed. I was laying spread out on my back looking up at the ceiling.

"Peachy." She sighed setting her cup down and crawling beside me.

"What's going on?" She questioned.

"Where is this relationship going?" I asked her. I needed to know. Because for me, this was going no where.

"I don't know. We haven't been going out for that long." She shrugged.

"Well do you want to get married?" I asked.

"Someday." Michael had gotten married a month ago and even though I wasn't invited to the wedding, I wished him the best. Even though I don't think we were anywhere near close to be ready to get married, it was on my mind. "Where is this coming from?" She asked. I shrugged.

"Did you know I almost got married when I was 22?" I asked.

"22?!" I would have been 22 when we got married but thankfully I broke it off right before I turned 21.

"Yup." I commented. "Was only gonna do it cause my family said not to." She shook her head sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Was it McKinley?" I laughed.

"She wishes." It would be her someday. It was always going to be McKinley. I just had to figure out when the right time for that would be.

"We should get married then." I had a feeling she was doing it just to spit McKinley.

"What?" I turned my head to look at her. There was no way that either one of us were ready for this.

"Yeah. Why not?" She asked.

"Because I don't know anything about you." I answered honestly. I didn't even know what her middle name was.

"And? I think we should get married."

"Okay." I don't know why I said that.


The shouting from the apartment below could be heard for miles. It didn't seem like anyone was shouting at each other. It was more of an excitement shout and I wasn't sure I wanted to know. Luke had been avoiding for the last few weeks so in return, I was also avoiding him.

"Jesus Christ." Nicole mumbled coming out of her room. It was awesome having her here. I loved our weekly wine nights and we often just sat around talking. It was nice having a friend besides the four obnoxious guys in the apartment below.

"I know. What the hell is screaming about?" I asked as I sat on the couch reading.

"Maybe he's finally dumping her ass." I cringed at her words. The last time I had talked to him it seemed as if he was going to break it off with her. He said he wasn't happy.

"Doubt it." I commented setting the book to the side. My breakup with Luke was decently calm. He made it seem easy in fact. It was clear to me that this wasn't their breakup and if it was, it was nothing like ours. Luke had always been the kind of guy to brush things off. He didn't like being confronted.

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