Chapter 10 Bump in the Night

Start from the beginning

Zara didn't know anything about Roman's work and how he'd made billions other than he was into computer technology. That's the way that he intended to keep it. His work was risky and at times dangerous. The last thing that he needed was for Zara to worry about him.

That woman was responsible for the success that he'd become. She kept him focused and accountable in school. Zara was the one that wouldn't allow him to quit when things got rough while starting his business. She and Zara were the two people that always believed that he'd be worth a lot of money one day. Because of Ava and Zara, Gray Enterprises went from nothing but a dream, becoming an international success. He glanced at the wall, seeing the money clip that Zara had given him. He smiled thinking about the day that he got the gift that was now framed on his wall...


Roman pulled up around 4:30, stepped out of the car with an amazing grin on his face because the car was brand new. With a flourish, he pointed to his parent's gift of a VW bug to replace the lemon that he'd been driving. Waiting for her infectious smile, he didn't notice the redness in her eyes until he got closer.

"What's the matter, treasure?"

Zara sniffled. "Nothing, I'm sorry. So they finally did it, bought the car that they promised. It's beautiful," she said, gazing at the metallic habanero-orange vehicle. Zara slipped her hand in her jean pocket and pulled out a small box. "Happy Birthday."

Roman placed his hands on her shoulders. "Are you sure that you're okay?"

"How can I not be okay? I've been waiting for your birthday for weeks. Now here." With all the strength in her crumbling heart, she mustered a smile. "You're going to love this gift."

Roman stepped back, peeling the paper from the box. He opened it and burst out laughing. "Damn, you're good."

"Wrap your first million in it," she said running her finger across the smooth silver money clip. The engraving on the clip read - 'Zara's Wish.' She'd stuffed fifty dollars in it. "You always said you're going into business and will make a lot of money one day. Well, here you go."

Roman leaned down pressing his lips to her forehead like he'd done a gazillion times. "You're so special."

I feel like shit. "I'm glad somebody thinks so."

"Why do you think that I've always called you treasure?"

Zara bowed her head and said nothing.

Roman tussled her hair, dragging her to the car. "Come on pout face, grab your overnight bag. Ava is going to kill us if we don't get there. Let's go to my party and make you forget that stick in your ass."


When they arrived at the party that night she and Ava had made a cake that looked like a thousand dollar bill. That was such a sweet memory. They had all turned out well and had been good friends since high school. Zara started her company Socially Soaring. Ava owned an accounting firm and had three clients that made her a wealthy woman. She did auditing for three major banks that had branches across the United States. He started his national security firm.

Trevor, Ava's boyfriend, worked in the military as a navy seal. When he left the forces he became a medical missionary but was often called in for special ops. Trevor stayed involved with several of Roman's operations.

Even though they lived in different states, Roman's jet swept distance away. It was nothing for him to fly them down for holidays or vacations they'd take together. Other times it wasn't just for special moments. They might all decide to eat pizza on a Friday night in Italy. Or meet up to see the first night of a particular movie. On the spur of the moment, they would go.

Hacking Zara's phone would be the most efficient way to get exactly what he needed without disrupting their time of restoration. Yet, at the same time, he felt like a heel at the thought of invading her privacy. Banging his fist on the desk, he picked up the phone and called Ava. She answered on the second ring.

"Sup, buddy boy."

"Hi, Ava, how's the baby?"

Ava had a six-month-old daughter that she hadn't gotten the courage to tell Trevor about. He worked in the medical missionary field in dangerous places or war zones. He was currently in Afghanistan. Ava felt that if she told him that she was pregnant, it could present a distraction that could cost his life.

"She's fine, and why do I have the pleasure of speaking with you at seven in the morning? It must be something about Zara. She told me about your little, convenient shut-in," she teased.

Roman buried his face in his hands, no telling what Zara had told Ava. He wasn't going to ask. "Yes, we're snowed in for a bit."

"I love it. Hope you two basket cases can figure things out this time."

"Working on it."

"Good. Now, what's up?"

"Who is Ethan G.?"

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