He is a tsundere

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I shouldn't have gone to the arcade with the squad. My mom gave me a ton of whooping and took my wifi privileges for two whole days. Damn, she knows her stuff. I can't watch anime anymore. It's killing me. (I hate when this happens to me, ugh.)

Not gonna lie, I am in a really bad mood today.

I walk to UA after Joe left me. I didn't even talk I'm so pissed. I was on the episode after the cliffhanger of (name) anime. Now, I can get spoilers from anywhere. Ugh. This so frustrating.

Why is there such a huge crowd in front of the gates? And with cameras? What's going on?

"Excuse me, ma'am. Does All Might teach you here? Is it true that he teaches here? How does it feel to be able to study under the No. 1 hero? What class are you in? What is your name?" Wtf. They just start to ambush me with questions. I don't even have the time to process the questions and answer them properly. Why is the press even here? They are pissing me off.

"MOVE IT, EXTRAS! I am trying to get to class, fuckers." Blasty comes to me shoving people aside. Thank god he is here to my rescue. "Move it or lose it, dumbass." He says after pushing past me. I am pretty sure too many tick marks have appeared on my head. I push past him in the building. I am not going to deal with this bullshit. Sorry not today, bitch. I speed walk to class and open the door rather too loudly. And sit angrily at my seat. Mina comes up to me.

"Hey, (Y/n). Are you okay?"

"Yes. I am completely and perfectly fine. Just had to deal with some annoying pests this morning." I say grumpily. Man, I already hate this day. I already got a spoiler to the anime and i am not liking it one bit. I shouldn't have opened my online friend's messages. They are someone who i start to watch the (name) anime together. We fangirl together and discuss everything about the anime. Now, they are three episodes ahead of me. "Why did something so tragic happen to my favourite character/ Why did something so good happen to the worst character in existence?"

"Man, c-cheer up. I am pretty sure the plot will change. Next time, something you want will happen. So chill." Mina tries to reassure me.

"Wait. Did i say that out loud?"

"Yeah, you did. You didn't intend to?"

"Great. Now i am saying my mind out loud. What the fuck is wrong with me? God i really am hating my mom right now. Why can't make my own internet and just use that? Yeah. I forgot she did something to my room so I can't use my quirk in there. The question is what? If she really did something then i just need to find out what that is so i can reverse it or something. Will that wo-"

"(L/n) you are mumbling." Aizawa sensei said to me. I didn't even realize he came inside.

"Tch. Sorry, my bad."

"Alright class. You have to do something very important today." Wow. I can legitly hear everyone gulping really hard. What is wrong with my class and how is even possible?

"You have to choose class representatives today." Oh. This will be interesting. "Now, you have to choose between yourselves. I am going to take a nap, wake me when you have decided. You have half an hour at the most." He goes inside his cocoon. I hope to see an Aizawa butterfly soon.

"Guys, pick me. I bet you guys want someone fun to be your class representative."

"No. Pick me. I am super friendly. Everyone can easily approach me."

"No. Pick me." "No. Me!!" Wow. People are going crazy. I am not that interested but it's suppose to give you extra recognition from the teachers, right. Yeah. So i am gonna try this." Hey people pick me. I am fun, friendly and really cool to be a class representative."

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