Weeks passed since the first time I saw him. To say that I missed his scent is an understatement. Few nights ago, I made an embarassing act by masturbating in the memory of him. I was on edge the past days. After the conversation with my Dad, I spent the night in a whore house for one last time. And to make sure that, I , am still a man who gets attracted to the female species. I was fucking wrong. Sure, I can appreciate beauty but not in a sexual way anymore. My usual fuck was beautiful. Her body has the most sexy curves which was also soft, her skin was so velvety. Her seductive voice which adds to her charm doesnt affect me like it used to be. Frustrated with what happened, I went home and slept it off. Few days later, I cant take it anymore so I tried picturing him in my mind. My lust instantly flared like a firework. His scent which was embedded in my memory, his body, so strong and that eyes, the most intense eyes I've ever seen made me come a lot that night. Upon getting down from that wonderful high, embarassment took over. And Im still not over that feeling until now.

"Lets go! We're getting late!" my Dad knocked my door and run downstairs. Sometimes, he doesnt act like his age but I love that about him. Today, we're going to attend Diana's wedding. Meaning, Im going to see him finally.

The ceremony was about to start when we got there. We took our seats and exchanged hello's to the other guests. Thats when I saw him. He was seating at the left side of the hall. He was wearing a suit which clung to him like a second skin. Feeling my stare, his eyes met mine and he smirked. My heart beat too fast from the smirk which almost hurt. My hands trembling from the need to be near him. I act like a slut. Damn.

"Congratulations, Mr and Mrs McHale." My mother kissed both of their cheeks and held Diana to her. Diana held on her tears but failed when Mom held her face in her hands and bumped their noses. The couple continued greeting the guests. Conversation flowed in the reception hall and I took my time to find my niece.

'Uncle Kar!" before I can even reply, my niece had hugged me and made herself comfortable sitting in my lap.
"Oh, what a beautiful lady we got here!" my father greeted her. I agreed and kissed my niece's cheek.
"Thank you, Papa. You are handsome too!" my niece gave my Dad a flying kiss which my Dad caught.
"Uncle Kar, do you know that Uncle Dev likes you?" whispered my niece. My heart throbbed.
"Uncle Dev likes you. Do you remember when you went to our house before? He asked me if you have a girlfriend. I told him no. So he asked me if you have a boyfriend. I also told him no because you only like girls. And then he stopped smiling. So I asked him why and he told me that he likes you."
"He's kidding, baby. We only met the first time, how can he like me?"
"Am I, really?" I heard him before I smelled his scent.
"Uncle Dev!" cheered my niece. My parents turned their head in our direction and I saw my parents acknowledge him by giving him a smile and a nod.
"May I borrow your Uncle Kar for a second, my lady?"
"Yes, yes. You can, Sir!" cheerfully replied my niece and she got off my lap.
Sparks traveled from my hands to my heart when he held my hand. He tugged me and I followed him out of the reception hall. He took us to the garden and we sat side by side. He hasnt let go of my hand and I didnt made an effort to let his' go.
"I like you." He muttered and faced me. "Im not going to beat around the bush. I am gay and I like you. You never left my mind since that first time I saw you."
I was left speechless. Its too fast. This is just our second meeting.
"I-" I started, unable to continue. Should I just reject him and get this over with?

Do not reject your mate. I heard my father's voice in my head.

"Its okay. I understand that this might be too overwhelming for you. I just wanted to tell you how I feel. Its just that, you make me crazy. I cant get those eyes out of my mind. I wish I was the one nibbling those lips when I saw you biting them the time we were at that living room. Your smell, damn. I cant get it out my memory. How you interact with your family especially your niece is so adorable. You dont know how I tried so hard not to run to you as you entered that door." his eyes locked to mine before making its way to my lips. I unconsciously licked it and saw lust and hunger on his eyes. "I wish I could just kiss you right now."

"What's stopping you?"




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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2020 ⏰

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