"Leave one alive for questioning!" I commanded my troupe as we barge in the abandoned cabin were it was said that houses rouges who wants to destroy the peace of my land. Im even more pissed to know that these creatures have been in my lands for weeks! How the fuck did they passed the patrols?! I was raging in madness as I kept thinking of how they came to my lands. Is there someone in the patrols who got behind my back?

It felt like days but actually few hours when we finished attacking the cabin. We got 13 rouges. 12 were dead and like I told my wolves, they left one alive. We were trudging our way back to the headquarters. I have 3 wolves in bad condition and luck on our part that no one's dead.

As we I entered the house together with my wolves, our senses were flooded with the aroma of different foods in the kitchen. The house was covered by the smell of food which made our empty stomachs growl in hunger. I commanded my wolves to get cleaned up before we make our way to the dining to get our foods. My mom wouldnt want 'dirty sleazebags' in her dining.

Dinner was as usual, happy and energetic. It was nice to sit down and converse with my pack. It was funny listening to these teenagers arguing while the parents making them stop arguing.

"Uncle" called my lovely niece. She's 8. She has these cute curly hair and big doe eyes.
"Yes darling?" I responded. I took her and made her sit on my lap. She kissed my cheeks which made my heart flutter in happiness. She's too cute.
"You havent found your mate yet?"
"No. I havent , darling."
"Ohh. I hope your find her soon so you can have babies too! I want to have cousins! You know Jessa, Uncle? She's my human friend. She's in my class and she said that her mommy is having a baby and she is going to be a big sister. I want to be a big sister too. I will be good, promise!" I hugged her in response. I wanted to find her too. To have her in my arms and love her with everything I have.

She kept telling me stories about her human friends and how school is too fun. Her Mom is a human and her Dad is a werewolf, which is my older brother. He was killed in a rouge attack 5 years ago, Sienna was just 3 then. When it happened, her Mom requested that they live in the human society and have normal lives. I dont have in any way to argue because I know that staying here will only hurt them.  I compromised by saying that they live near the pack lands with few wolves guarding them from afar, and to have them visit every now and then. She agreed. Now, my sister-in-law is working in the police station as an admin staff. She had always wanted to be in the forces but my brother was so against it. When my brother died, she decided that being in the forces is going to be too hectic and dangerous especially for her daughter so she applied to be in the admins. She got the job and that has been how they were living for the past years. I do send them money to help in their finances but my sister insisted that she didnt need it. Im too hardheaded to relent so I made an account for my niece and put everything there. When my sister discovered it, she partially agreed and made me do what I want. She's "too tired to deal with a hardheaded bull" like myself , her words, not mine.

Okay. So new story. A werewolf x human again. Hope you enjoy reading.

There's Alpha for yah. (ctto)

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