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My pen is a great distraction as I tap it against my desk, eager for this damn period to end already.

Literature was always one of my favorite subjects, but today I can't even concentrate on what the professor is saying.

What if she's furious at me?

This can't be the case. She knows I don't have the same opinion as my mother. But again, I invited her to stay with me and I was the one who suggested the stupid make out session.

You certainly didn't complain about it.

Maybe I wasn't so disappointed when I laid in my bed that night, thinking about the kiss we'd shared. More like eager for more.

I shake my head in annoyance. Why do things like this keep happening to me?

Maybe because you're a stupid indecisive bitch and you can't even admit to yourself that you have feelings for her.

My subconscious needs to shut up before I completely lose it.

I sigh in relief as the bell rings loudly from the school hallway. I can finally find Billie and apologize for my mother's stupid behavior.

She usually studies alone in the library after the first period, so that is my first destination.

I'm almost outside the second building where the library is when a tall guy I've never seen around before stops me in my tracks.

"I'm sorry for bothering you, but I just moved here and I'm trying to find the library. I think I'm already too late."

He's blonde, muscular but skinny and kinda looks like the kind of boy who reads a lot of comics in his free time.
He seems anxious and certainly scared.

"No problem. Actually, I was heading to the library myself so let me show you the way.", I smile politely and he instantly relaxes, relief washing all over his face.

I start walking again and this time he follows me gratefully.

"Thank you very much. I'm Damien.", he's visibly happy and relieved now, a smile plastered over his face.

"I'm Jade. Welcome to our school. Are you a sophomore?", I wonder.
He looks a bit older but maybe it's just his appearance that indicates that.

"No, I'm actually in college. Senior year.", his books are indeed different from the ones I'm currently holding.

"So what are you doing here?"

"My parents threw me out of the house so I needed to find a way to make some money. I'm the new librarian.", he says as if it's not a big deal at all, "Only on Mondays and Thursdays though. I'm here to sign my papers."

"Oh, sorry to hear that. Parents have the awful habit to destroy our lives don't they?", I dryly mumble.

"I mean, maybe they don't want to, but they do, yeah.", he chuckles without amusement.

"Don't take me wrong but why would you want to work here? This school isn't exactly the best place for that purpose. You could work in a public library, or maybe a cafeteria."

"Woah, okay. What's so nasty about this place anyway?", he curiously eyes me up.

"Everything. I never liked going to school here to be honest. People are just...", not even sure how we've made it in front of the library so fast, I decide to drop the subject. "Forget it. We're here."

I quietly open the door, only for my eyes to widen in surprise. And not in a good way.

Billie is the first thing that I notice, sitting in her usual spot just behind the librarian's desk. And she's not alone.

"Are you okay?", Damien whispers behind me. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

I open my mouth but nothing comes out. I just stare at the sight in front of me.

"I need to do something. Go sign your papers, I'll meet you outside in a minute.", I murmur and start walking forward, not even sure of what I'm going to say in front of Billie's companion.

When I reach them, Billie is the first one to raise her eyes and look at me. Her expression is unreadable and emotionless.

"Rainbow. I've been looking for you."

That came out too sweetly. Get your shit together.

Right. "Why didn't you call me? I've been trying to talk to you all weekend."

She shakes her head in disbelief. "I was busy Keneston. Now where have all your manners gone? Lily is right here.", she points to the girl beside her.

Lily looks at me in astonishment, before shyly smiling. "Hi."

Hi? She was acting all homophobic towards Billie and now the only thing she has to say to you is hi?

"Hello. I need to talk to Billie about something. Can you please leave us for a little bit?"

She frowns, getting up from her seat quickly. "Sure, we were just studying for a chemistry test. See you later.", she immediately turns around and vanishes within the next minute, leaving us alone.

"So what did you want again?"

"I wanted to apologize for the way my mom talked about you. I know it was cruel and unacceptable, please forgive her."

She stares at me for a little bit.

"I'm not mad at you just because your mom said something.", her expression is an amused one. "You seriously need to stop taking responsibility for things you haven't done. It's okay.", she reassures.

A huge weight lifts off my chest.

Won't you apologize for the kiss?

"I also wanted to-"

"Oh, and one more thing. Next time we make out, it has to be in a supply closet or something. I may not be angry at your mom, but it was definitely awkward."

A new character is here and more making out (more subtly this time) is coming right up. Hope you enjoy the story so far.

P.S. Do you like Damien?

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