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"I am convinced that this is a date and you can't persuade me otherwise.", I joke as we walk down the amusement park.

"Don't flatter yourself.", her grin is ironic but genuinely amused at the same time.

The main idea was to spend some time together out of the project thing, so Billie suggested a casual night out, which pleasantly surprised me. We agreed that she could choose the place, so here we are.

"Then why this place out of all?"

"It's the first time I actually have a friend to hang out with and I don't really...know how?", she replies, slightly blushing. "We can go somewhere else if you don't like this kind of things."

"Gosh you're adorable!", I chuckle and pinch her left cheek.

She avoids my willing hand in a quick motion. "What the hell? Who do you think I am?", she shakes her head in disbelief.

"Chill Rainbow. You were just being too cute. I couldn't resist."

She rolls her eyes and grabs my hand, pulling me with her.
My surprised gasp was loud enough, but she probably decided not to address it at all.
Holding hands like actual friends is a first for Billie Eilish and I am more than thrilled to experience it. She is not an affectionate person and that's a fact, but her moves around me are getting easier and easier each time we're together.
That's progress-I don't really know what kind of progress-but she's surely more comfortable around me now.

"Do you think you can handle the roller coaster Keneston?", she looks up at the people screaming hysterically.

"No, no I don't...I've never tried that thing and I never will."

She smirks and it's pretty clear that I am some kind of source of amusement for her.
"Oh come on, you can't know if you like something if you haven't even tried it."

"I'll absolutely hate it, I am sure of it."

There's no way I am going to agree on this one.

"Well, I guess we'll find out very soon.", she's on her way to buy us tickets for the damn thing.

"Oh God, no..."

My reaction makes her smile even wider and she returns immediately, holding two tickets for the devil's work.

"Come on you little chicken. It'll be fun."

I sigh loudly and follow her to the second row of seats.
"You're gonna pay for this."

"Yeah right. Hold on tight before this thing starts."

I already hate it. I always go on safe rides and activities since I am not a risky person, but I couldn't avoid this one. Because...well...it's her.
And that somehow is the only excuse my brain needed in order to follow her to this dangerous, scary, dreadful thing.

When the ride starts, I regret my stupid decision. The height is terrifying and my eyes can barely be kept open.

Once it's over after five minutes or so, I immediately get out and start walking in the opposite direction, almost feeling nauseous.

"That was awesome! We should go again!", her excited voice brings me back to reality.

"Are you crazy? My throat is almost sore after all this screaming!", I cough dramatically.

She rolls her eyes and gives me a soft push. "Stop being so dramatic already. It was great, you're just incredibly stubborn to admit it."

"No I am not."

"Well, it was my first time up there too and I certainly loved it."

My eyes widen in surprise. "It was your first time?"

"Well, yes. It's my first time in an amusement park in general, but I figured we'd like it."

All my negative thoughts about the roller coaster are gone. She just wanted to make sure I would have a good time. Well, now I am being a selfish bitch again...

"Thank you for bringing me here. I actually enjoy amusement parks. I just don't like...heights.", I blush, embarrassed.

She giggles softly. "It's okay. I kind of wanted to try the roller coaster too much. What do you want us to do now?"

"Hmmm...well...maybe we can find the dancing place...you know, where they have competitions and stuff.", I look around, looking for a tent with supposedly loud music.
The dancing places have always been my favorite in the amusement parks my mother used to take me and my sister.

"Dancing? You have a huge variety of activities and you choose to dance? Seriously?", she asks, her expression one of terror.

"Hey, what's wrong with dancing?"

"Well, for starters, I don't know how to dance. Secondly, I hate dancing.", she claims.

"Ugh Rainbow...If I remember correctly, someone told me that hating something you don't know how to do is not possible."

She huffs and shakes her head in annoyance. "I have a big mouth don't I?"

I grin, already knowing that I've won this time. "You do. Now come on, I am gonna teach you how to dance."

This time I am the one to grab her hand and lead her through the many tents with different activities, until I spot the dance tent.

The music is loud as expected and Billie seems even more nervous as we approach the tent.

"I can't do this.", she whispers, as the man who controls the music smiles at us.

"Of course you can. Just let the melody lead you. It's the easiest thing in the world. Just pretend no one's watching us and...follow my lead."

She hesitates, but moves her body rhythmically, while following my moves and steps.
The song isn't very danceable, so I try my best to lead her moves smoothly.

After a few minutes, she's trying her own moves and it's one of the most exciting things I've ever seen.

She's getting comfortable around me.

The chapter is bad I know, but school is approaching and I am in a bad mood all the time😭😒
Anyway, the dancing lesson was a Juliantina reference, so do some research on one of my favorite ships, you won't regret it🤓

The chapter is bad I know, but school is approaching and I am in a bad mood all the time😭😒 Anyway, the dancing lesson was a Juliantina reference, so do some research on one of my favorite ships, you won't regret it🤓

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