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"Did you see the pics?"

"No, what were they like?"

"I don't know but someone said they were making out or something."

"Oh my gosh, what the hell!"

The whispers, grumbles, and hums can be heard from every corner of the hallway. As I am walking through the huge school gate, every pair of eyes is on me.

"It'll probably be like that you know.", she'd warned after our little dance fiasco. "People will start getting curious about our hangouts."

Of course I knew what she meant. Everyone in school somehow knew Billie Eilish was the first and only lesbian of the school, even if no one ever confirmed it. According to "Rainbow", the only person that knew about her preferences was me and of course I didn't tell anyone.
I knew this would have a negative impact on me, but I didn't know that everyone would assume that I am dating the only gay person in this school.
I am pretty sure Billie Eilish is not the only gay person in this high school, but no one ever will admit something like that since everyone likes to make such a big deal out of it.
As for the dating rumors?

"You just have to ignore them. If you react badly, they probably won't leave you alone for a while, thinking that you are trying to hide something.", she'd dismissively said.

So I am trying. I am trying my best to ignore the mocking tones and whispers from every student I pass by.

This is exhausting. Even the nerds are looking at me with shocked expressions on their faces, as if they've never seen a gay person before.", I huff.

Lily's eyes widen dangerously, and I realize what I just said.

"Oh gosh that didn't sound like I expected it to.", I bury my face in my hands, completely embarrassed. "I didn't mean it like that."

"Okay so you wanted her to sit with us and you asked us to think about it.", Sarah quickly interrupts. "The answer is no. I am sorry Jade, I really tried, but this isn't what we signed up for. She's affecting you, can't you see it?"

"How is she affecting me? She isn't sick Sarah! She doesn't have an incurable disease, she's just a damn lesbian! Why can't you all see that is something completely normal?", my voice sounds tired and weak.

"You also act like being gay is something bad. Why do you always complain about us when you can't completely accept that friend of yours yourself?", she fires back.

"What the hell are you talking about? Of course I've accepted her, she's...", I hesitate for a moment, "my friend.", I finish.

"Oh, is she? Because Hayley Stem saw something else in the amusement park."

My whole body freezes instantly.
The amusement park? Hayley Stem?

"There are uploaded pictures of you and Billie dancing quite...close. There are all over social media.", Lily sighs, showing me her Instagram timeline.

There's indeed a picture of me and Billie having fun at the dance tent, but there's nothing more interesting in it.

"We were just dancing!"

"Hayley told everyone you guys were making out.", Tanner replies, looking concerned.

"What? That's bullshit! We're platonic friends and I was just teaching her how to dance!", I defensively protest.

"Well, If you want that <<bullshit>> to stop, then just stop hanging out with that freak already!", Sarah finally shouts, exhausted.

But I've had enough of her stupid beliefs and convictions.

"I know exactly who am I going to stop hanging out with. Racist, homophobic people who don't understand shit even if you explain the most simple thing again and again, because they're stubborn and selfish."

I get up from the lunch table, leaving all three of them looking at me completely shocked by my words, because yes, I just chose Billie Eilish over my friends.

And I am not regretting any of it.

I wasn't going to update that soon, but I really wanted to thank you for all these comments I received in the last chapter. I am really, really glad y'all like this book and despite school starting in three days, I'll try to keep updating this story since it gets so much love¥¥¥

Thank youuu🤗

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