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I couldn't concentrate on anything.
We were supposed to be watching a movie. An action movie.

The only thing that I could see was mixed colors running around the screen.


"I know I'm a lesbian and shit but that guy is kinda hot.", Billie says randomly, but I don't even bother to look at the actor.


Lily June.

"She's dating Jonathan Parker, she's too straight and probably a homophobe."

"But she knows who I am and she sat down next to me. She can't be a homophobe. She's the one that started talking to me.", her hopeful expression is devastating.

"I know but...why her? I thought you didn't like her..."

"I didn't. But maybe she's changed. Maybe she stopped hanging out with these people and...I don't know."

"She has a boyfriend."

"You mentioned that."

We don't look at each other for a minute. I don't know what to say and clearly she's not thrilled by my reaction.

Stop being a bad friend. Because after all, that's all you wanted to be. Her friend.


"You're not paying attention."

The movie is not as exciting as I expected it to be. Or maybe I'm just not in the mood anymore.

"I don't like the plot."

She turns around and stares at me.
"You chose the movie Keneston."

"And what about it? It's boring."

I pick up my phone and start looking through my Instagram timeline.

"You're acting weird.", she turns off the tv and approaches me, looking over my shoulder.

"I'm always like this."

"No you're not. You're so grey right now."

I'm actually pissed off. Because of Lily and her existence.

What the hell is wrong with me?

"I'm bored."

"Let's do something then.", she's grinning.
Her hair is very messy and the huge hoodie she's wearing is hiding her whole body, in a way that she looks...stunning. Even like that, she's beautiful. Her blue curious eyes are messing with my head.

If only I could...

"I have an idea. ", I suddenly blurt.

This is the only way that can work without me ending up crazy.


I take a deep breath before speaking again. "Wanna make out?", I hide my face in a pillow, too embarrassed to look at her.

I can't even believe I just said something like that.

She starts laughing out loud, the sound making my heart flutter.
"Don't laugh at me you moron, I need experience!"

"Where did you read that? I haven't been in a sleepover before but I'm pretty sure that's not something people do in those."

"I didn't read it. It's my idea. I...may have a crush on someone too. We can both only learn from that right?", I'm afraid that my voice sounds too desperate.

"Wait, so you're actually serious about this?", her shocked expression doesn't make me back off.

"Yes, I am."

"I thought you weren't into girls.", she raises an eyebrow.

"I'm not. It's just kissing, don't make a big deal out of it.", I shrug, and I can't be more proud of my acting skills. Because it's definitely not just kissing. Not for me, at least.

"I don't know about your crush, but I don't have a chance with Lily. You said she has a boyfriend."

I did?

"And why does that have to stop you from getting better at kissing?", I dare.
She looks genuinely surprised by my sudden confidence. Maybe a little awkward too.

"Please don't tell me you have a crush on me.", she groans suspiciously.

My breath hitches, but I don't lose my composure.

"Don't flatter yourself, Rainbow. We're not all victims of your extreme charm.", I roll my eyes.

"Fine. As long as no one gets hurt I guess we can get a bit more experienced."

Are we actually agreeing to casually start making out?

"So what now?", I ask lamely.

"Are you backing off Keneston?", she dares, "Or asking for permission?"


She grins and casually crawls up on my lap, settling herself there and intertwining her fingers around my neck.

"Kiss me then."

Soooooo yeah. Double update because I disappeared for like three weeks.
Sorry for the terrible writing in this one but I'm going through phases🤧

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