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"Ehm. Billie! Billie Eilish!", I run after her as fast as I can.

"Hm?", is the only answer i get when i finally reach her.

"So...we're partners in this project and...", i start but she interrupts me.

"Yeah, cool. Look, i am leaving now so...we'll talk later about that assignment okay?"

She's leaving? But school is not over yet.

"But this is important. It'll define half of our grade and we need to start immediately. The second semester is already approaching. Don't you want a good grade?", i panic.

What if she doesn't care at all? What if she doesn't mind if she gets a bad grade?

"Yeah, sure. I mean...why not? But i really can't talk about it right now. See ya."

And she leaves. Just like that.

Who the hell am i kidding? She probably doesn't give a damn about the project.
I am gonna be working on it alone. Just as I knew I was going to.

I sigh and leave for the cafeteria.

My friends are already sitting at our usual table.
When I sit down, Lily eyes me suspiciously.

"What's the deal with you?"

"Stupid project and stupid Billie Eilish..."

"Oh my gosh, you're paired up with that freak aren't you?", Bradley asks rudely.

"Yeah, I am. What am I going to do?"

I don't even have the energy to defend Billie right now.

"Just ask the teacher to change your partner. Easy as that.", Tanner points.

"It's not that easy you know. My teacher thinks I am the ideal help for Billie's social anxiety and problems. I just want a good grade, damn!"

"Hey, relax. Just...do the whole thing by yourself and tell the teacher that you both worked on it.", Sarah says.

Right...it's gonna be a lot of work. But I am going to pull it off. Just like I always do.

"Right, okay."

No one is going to ruin my plans to get into a good college.

"That's the spirit! Now let's eat. I am starving.", Brad points and shoves a bagel in his mouth.

This is gonna be one hell of a semester...

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