Chapter 29: Trouble with Gia

Start from the beginning

Dad: I'm very disappointed in you little girl. Stand up straight and hands to the side.

I did what I was told not to make him more angry.

Dad: You need to come up with a better story to what you did tonight. I want the whole truth, nothing but the truth. Then I will consider what to do with the rest of your punishment. You can be sure, that you will never, ever do drugs again!
Melissa: yes daddy
Dad: you know what I want to hear little girl
Melissa: yes sir?
Dad: smart girl

I sigh and thought of what I was gonna say to my dad. Ugh he was gonna be so angry when I tell him the truth.

Dad: alright, come back to me, and you're gonna explain your side of the story. No lies, I want the whole truth nothing but the truth. If a lie comes right out of your mouth, I'm adding it to your punishment. I'm done with this little girl. This is the last time, or you're going to rehab
Melissa: no!!!
Dad: I'm not taking any chances with you. I don't want you turn out like your mom. No way. I'm not losing you to drugs *hugs me*
Melissa: *buries face into chest* I'm sorry daddy.
Dad: are you sorry you got caught?
Melissa: no, I'm sorry I let you down
Dad: your my little girl, and I will do everything I can to protect you. That's why I set you rules and you need to obey them. I don't care how old you're, as long as you are under my care, you do as I say. Understand me?
Melissa: yes sir

Just then Dad's cellphone rang and it read Michael Masterson my principal. It's kind of weird how your dad is friends with the principal now. They hang out every Saturday together when they're not busy. Harley must have not made it home yet.

Dad: hello Michael, how are you?... yes Melissa is here. Your principal wants to know, where Harley is, he went to go check on her and she wasn't in her room.
Melissa: uh...
Dad: *puts on speaker* well young lady, I guess you owe both Mr. Masterson and I an explanation to where you two been off too for the past 3 weekends
Principal Masterson: this been going on for 3 weekend??? How did we not see this coming?
Melissa: *squirms* uh... we sort of been turning off the security camera. I forgot to do it tonight, that's when dad found out and busted me
Principal Masterson: where's Harley now?
Melissa: *gulps* with Gia....

I said in a quietly voice, but loud enough for both of them to hear me. Principal Materson was gonna kill me! I made a promise to him that I wouldn't allow Harley to get in trouble with Gia.

Principal Masterson: oh my god!
Dad: you mean the same Gia, that's got you girls smoking a joint at school
Melissa: yes sir...
Dad: that's it, you and Harley are done talking to that Gia girl. No I'm tired of hearing excuses. She's trouble and I want you two to stay away from her
Principal Masterson: I second that
Melissa: that's not fair! You guys can't tell me who I can be friends with. How would you guys feel if Harley and I told you, you guys can't hang out anymore because it feels weird. Gia has nobody, she only has her mom who always working half the time. Gia doesn't have any father like Harley and I do to put her in her place. I can't do that for her, she has to want to change
Dad: sweetheart you can't help everyone, beside she's influencing you to make bad decisions
Melissa: no dad, I choose to do it when I can easily said no
Dad: why didn't you
Melissa: I didn't want to feel left out
Michael: so basically she influenced you
Melissa: no, I thought about it all on my own
Dad: I don't know what else to do about this Melissa. I don't want you hanging out with Gia if she's gonna influence you to make bad decisions
Melissa: maybe you guys can have a talk with her, maybe talk some sense into her
Dad: I don't know...
Melissa: please dad, it will really mean a lot to Harley. She miss hanging out with Gia
Principal Materson: I'm her principal and I have tried straighten this girl out since she's been in this school, when her mother asked me to, because she been kicked out in a bunch of other schools. What makes you think your father will do any good?
Melissa: I mean, he did a good job with me. If it wasn't for him, I probably would be on the streets with my dad
Dad: she's got a point
Melissa: if this doesn't work, you can allow Harley and I not to see her anymore
Principal Materson: why is this such a big deal to you Melissa.
Melissa: because, when I see Gia and Harley hanging out, it's the happiest I ever seen Gia in a long time. Please don't take that away from them.  Isn't Harley feelings all that mater
Principal Materson: I guess... I want my daughter to be happy too, but I don't want her hanging with the wrong crowd. So Paul and I will talk to her tomorrow and straighten her out
Melissa: thanks Principal Materson
Materson: no problem Melissa, and you know you can call me Michael
Melissa; and you know you call me Mel right, just not in school. It's already weird enough you and my dad are friends
Principal Materson: trust me, I learned that the hard way from Harley
Dad: I gotta go Michael, I got some business to take care of with my daughter

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