My boy

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The whole thing began as a fun lie, but unlike most flimsy relationships, it didn't immediately collapse. Rather, the bliss kept coming- until we were addicted to each other in ways you couldn't imagine- lies and all.

My boy's being sus', he was shady enough, but now he's just a shadow

Today had been mostly uneventful, full of day drinking and pleasure wherever and whenever I could find it. I had been "working" from home since... The date evades me. Since my product and accompanying company made it big.

My sugar boy, a bit earlier than usual, comes in in a huff- no doubt his 'friends' giving him a bad time as usual on top of his constant hatred of life and everything that came with it. I don't know if I am included in that hatred, but it's never bothered me before.

My boy loves his friends like I love my splitends, and by that I mean

He cuts 'em off

Practically diving into my drunken embrace, he silently asks for a cure. I of course give it to him, being the doting lover that I am. Pretty soon the rest of my bottle is gone down his ragged throat. Heartbroken words mumbled against my neck as I skillfully unwind the stress trapped inside his muscles.

Tired of his absence and spikes in depression, I tell him he won't be seeing his friends anymore- not while he relied on me. He nearly protests before seeing the promise of bliss on my visage, persuading himself again that I was the only one he needed. Wasting no time, he deletes their numbers and receives his reward.

My boy

My boy

My boy

Don't love me like he promised

"I love you," he whispers between breaths. I leer over him, hands busy.

No he doesn't- he loves my touch, my illusion.

We are addiction.




A bond formed in stressful and traumatic situations.

My boy

My boy

My boy

He ain't a man, and sure as hell ain't honest

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