Chapter 16

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Harry tried really hard to not be alone with Danielle the next few days. Unfortunately luck was not with him. It seemed like she was always around him. And alone too. She touched him every chance she got. He didn't want to say anything to Adele, but it was getting too much. He was beyond uncomfortable now. 

"A penny for your thoughts." Adele's voice brought him back to earth. He just smiled down at her. 

They sat down on the sofa and started watching some show Addie liked, but he couldn't concentrate. All he could think about was how much he disliked Danielle touching him. 

"Where are you going?" Harry asked when Addie started to get up. 

"I'm just getting something to drink, that's all." She said.

"It's okay, I'll get it." Harry said, already to the kicthen door. 

When he walked in the kitchen he saw Danielle sitting alone looking at her phone. He was very cautious around her now. He started making Addie some hot chocolate when Danielle had said something. He didn't know what it was though. 

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" He asked turning towards her.

"I said, I wish I had someone who would willingly get me drinks." She had a playful look on her face. 

"I can make you something if you want." He didn't know what he was supposed to say.

She got up and walked towards him. He couldn't help but back up until he was stuck in a corner. She slowly ran a finger down his chest.

"Tell me Harry, do I make you nervous?" She asked looking up at him through her long brown eye lashes. 

"Yes." He mumbled. She smiled at him.

He was praying she would leave him alone. That was the last thing she wanted to do, it seemed. She leaned up and gently touched her lips to his. He was petrified, he couldn't breath, he couldn't move.

When she didn't get a reaction she kissed him harder, longer. She thought she was doing something right when she felt him started to shake. She wrapped her arms around his neck and traced her tongue along his bottom lip. 

"Please." He whispered shakily. 

Danielle took that quiet plea as a good sign. She held his head to her's with one hand and slid the other down his torso to the waist band of his jeans. She was pleased when she felt there was just enough room for her to slip her hand inside his pants. She was confused when she felt he wasn't aroused. 

Maybe he just needs a little help. She thought. She wrapped her hand around him and tugged. 

"Harry what's ta-" Adele lost her breath when she stepped into the kitchen. It felt like a life time before someone finally said something. 

"I'm so sorry Adele, he just wouldn't stop and then he kissed me and-" She blocked her sister's voice out. She couldn't take her eyes away from Harry's. He looked so scared, and sad, and lost. It broke her heart to see him like this. But she couldn't deny the sharp pain she got in her chest when she saw the position they were in. 

"How could you?" She whispered before she walked out of the house. She didn't know what to do or where to go. She couldn't believe Harry would ever be capable of something like this, it just wasn't him. She didn't make him this way. But this was definitely something Danielle would do. She'd done it plenty of times to her friends. The only difference is they believed her.

She didn't want to go back home yet, but she had to make sure Harry knew she didn't blame him. When she finally went back home all the lights where out. She made her way up to her room, hoping Harry was asleep. He wasn't.

When she turned the light on she found Harry sitting beside her bed in the fetal position, shaking. She sat on her knees and went to put her arms around him. 

"No don't touch me!" He screamed. Adele was beyond shocked. His face was bright red and wet from crying. His voice was horse from crying so much. 

"Harry, it's okay." She tried to sooth him. 

He wrapped his arms around himself and rocked back and forth. 

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He kept repeating like a litany. 

"Harry it's not your fault. I know she started it. Don't worry yourself sick." She soothed. 

"I didn't want her to, I promise." He just kept mumbling sad words. 

She hated seeing him like this. It broke her heart into a million little pieces. She pulled him into her lap and held him tight. She ran her fingers through his hair and muttered encouraging words in his ear to calm him down. 

All she could think about was how she would make her sister pay for making her Harry like this. It was time her sister learned a very important lesson. 

I am so incredibly sorry it's taken me this long to update! I've been super busy but here's chapter 16! I hope you enjoy it. There's going to be a lot of drama in the next few chapters. 

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