Chapter 5

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Adele laid on one of the many pillows surrounding them and was covered up with a few blankets they had brought down. Harry had an arm around her neck and one of her small childish hands in his, aimlessly playing with her fingers. "Your fingers are so much smaller than mine." He said as he compared them. "It's 'cause you're older than me, silly." She said giggling. Adele pulled her hand from his and wrapped her arms around his middle and slipped into a peaceful sleep.

Adele woke up looking around her surroundings. Then she remembered Dani and her building a fort. She looked over at her sister only to jump in suprise. Her sister was looking at her intently.

"How long have you been awake?" Adele asked sitting up.

"Only ten minutes. Did you know when you sleep your nose twitches." It wasn't a question, more or less just a statement.

"Heh, yeah. Harry used to say that too." Adele didn't even think about what she said until it was too late.

"Who's Harry?" Dani asked sitting up.

"Uh, no one." Adele said quickly. "Hey let's make mom and dad breakfast!" She said and got up, walking out.

She didn't look to see if Dani was following her or not. She walked into the kitchen and pulled everything out she needed to make pancakes. She couldn't stop thinking about her slip up. She just hoped that Danielle didn't remember her talking about Harry as a kid. Danielle walked in and sat down at the table.

"Didn't you use to have an imaginary friend named Harry?" She asked.

"Um, I don't think so. If so then I don't remember it." Her heart wouldn't stop racing. She set breakfast down and took a shower. She needed to clear her mind.

His mouth fell open as soon as the words left her mouth. He was no one now? And he thought his heart broke last night. How he felt last night was nothing compared to how he felt now. He got up and slowly walked into the kitchen. Is this how she truly felt about him? What she really thought about him? Why did she hate him? What did he do? He couldn't look at her without feeling as if he was going to break down. He went upstairs to her old room. It brought a sad smile to his face thinking of all the memories they shared in here. He went over and looked at all the pictures on her desk and walls. She was such an energetic kid. He looked at the clock on the wall and saw it was already noon. How long had he been up here? He heard the front door open and close. He laid on her bed not wanting to move at all. He had to though. He got up and walked around her room some more.

Adele met Jay at a little diner in town. When he saw her he gave her a hug and they went in and sat down. She had an important question for him. This morning at breakfast Dani had asked her to be her maid of honor. And she was going to ask Jay to be her date to the wedding. They made small talk while they waited for their food.

"So, um, Jay. I was wondering if you would want to be my date to my sister's wedding. She recently got engaged and I'm her maid of honor." She smiled in hopes he would say yes.

He smiled and put his glass down. "Of course I would!" He said excitedly. She breathed out with relief. After they finished eating Jay took her to a little ice cream parlor not far from her house.

"So, um, when are you going back to the U.K.?" The question caught her off guard.

It just dawned on her that she was leaving tomorrow morning. But, she wasn't ready to leave. She was finally getting a relationship with her sister, and Jay was being nice. But she had school and work and bills to pay... Maybe she could try to stay a little longer? No. Just visit more often? Maybe... It kind of brought her mood down thinking about going home. Home. This used to be her home. Now she lives in another country! She sighed looking down.

"I leave tomorrow morning." Jay looked down holding her hand. "Oh... I thought you were back to stay." She smiled apologetically at him.

"No, I only came up 'cause my sister had important news." He walked her home in silence.

"So, I guess I'll see you the next time you visit?" He asked still holding her hand.

She smiled. "Of course you will." She leaned up and kissed his cheek before walking inside.

Danielle was talking on the phone and her mom and dad were in the kitchen talking. She waved at Danielle as she made her way up to her room. She looked at her bed and saw that it almost looked like someone had slept on it. Her eyebrows shot up in confusion. She hadn't been here all day. No one ever really came in here but her. She shook her head and went over and started fixing her bed. What made her gasp and freeze was the little piece of paper with messy writing on it. She picked it up with shaky fingers and read it over and over. Why do you hate me? What have I done?

Yay! Chapter 5 done! Do you think she might try to come back home more often? Do you think Harry is finally going to give up? What do you think about Jay's character? Does Adele like Jay? Sorry this one is so short!

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