Chapter 11

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Adele and Harry laid on the pile of blankets they had thrown around her room. It was quiet and still. Neither of them had said a word in what felt like forever. Adele turned to Harry. "Why can't anybody else see you?" He turned and faced her. "Because you're special. No one else needs to see me but you." She smiled at him and turned to face the ceiling again. "I like that nobody else can see you." She said softly. "Why?" He asked facing the ceiling like her. "Because I have you all to myself." She said showing off a small smile. He gently held her small hand in his.

Adele woke up and stared at the ceiling for a few minutes. She thought back to her dream. She remembered that night so clearly. She smiled thinking back to how wonderful her childhood had been because of Harry. He had helped her through so much. Her smile was soon replaced with a frown thinking about what happened yesterday at the store. Jay had been able to see him. But how? Was the only question running threw her head.

She got off the bed and walked into the bathroom. Showers always helped her think more clearly. After taking a long shower she got out and dressed quickly. When she went back into the bathroom to brush her teeth, she noticed her toothbrush was missing. She went out into the living room where Harry was watching the Teletubbies.

"Harry, have you seen my toothbrush? I can't find it." She asked.

Harry turned around and gave her a nervous look.

"Why do you need your toothbrush?" He asked nervously.

"Well so I can brush my teeth silly." She said laughing.

He suddenly looked sad or apologetic almost. She looked back at him curiously.

"What did you do with my toothbrush?" She asked slowly.

"Well, earlier I went into the bathroom and looked at the mirror and I saw myself in it. I usually can't see myself. And I panicked and knocked it over. And it kind of fell in the toilet." He said quietly.  

She sighed and smiled at him.

"I'll be right back. I need to go and pick up a new one." She grabbed her coat and slid her shoes on.

"Can I come!?" He jumped off the sofa.

"Maybe you should stay here after what happened yesterday..." She trailed off.

"Oh... Okay..." He said as he slumped back on to the couch.

She sighed. "I'm sorry Harry."

She walked out the door and locked it. On her walk to the store Jay ran up to her.

"Adele who's Harry?" He asked breathlessly.

"I don't know who you're talking about Jay." She said shaking her head.

"He was that guy that was with you yesterday wasn't he?" He asked stopping her from walking any more.

Before she could talk he continued. "He dropped this off at my room a few days ago. Is he like some crazy ex or something?" He waved a piece of paper in front of her face.

She looked at him and took the paper from him. She glanced at him as she read it. She frowned as she read it. It was definitely Harry's hand writing. She's seen it enough to know what it looked like. She looked up at him and turned around. She was livid. She started running back home, forgetting about the store.

He was on the sixth episode of the Teletubbies when he heard the door open and slam shut. He knew it had to be Addie because her room mate was gone for a few weeks. He turned around with a big smile on his face. When he saw the angry look on her face it slowly slipped away.

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