Chapter 1

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"Harry, wait up!" Adele yelled as she laughed and chased after her long time friend. He just laughed and ran faster. Finally he stopped, sitting on a swing at the park just down the street from Adele's house. Her mom said she could go to the little park anytime she wanted as long as she asked first and had homework done. Adele sat down on the swing next to Harry's. She had to jump a little with how short she was. "Haha, you're so short!" Harry joked with his friend. "Am not!" She yelled, laughing. It was quiet between the two for a while. They just sat there swinging, sharing a smile every once in a while. "You'd never leave me right Harry?" Adele finally asked looking up at him. He was older than her by three years. He was like her big brother or body guard. He always got the mean kids at school to leave her alone or was always there when her older sister picked on her. "Of course I won't Addie. As long as you never forget about me." He said getting off the swing and standing in front of her. Adele smiled real big and jumped off the swing to stand in front of him. "I could never forget about you Harry. You're my best friend." She hugged him around the waist as tight as she could, which wasn't very tight for a six year old. He hugged her back but, not too tight. "I love you Harry. You're my best friend." "I love you too Addie."

Adele turned off the shower water and stepped out. She sighed as she wrapped a towel around her body. She didn't understand why she kept thinking about her childhood. It was done and over with. She needed to keep her head out of the clouds and into her school work and her part- time job at the Bakery down the street. She got dressed just before her phone started ringing. She didn't really keep in contact with anyone. She didn't talk to anyone at school or work unless she had to. She didn't talk to her sister because her sister was just a stuck up snob, and her parents only talked to her to tell her about how successful her sister was doing or to, reluctantly, invite her to holiday dinners.

She looked at the caller ID and saw her mom calling. Sighing, she answered.

"Yes mother?" She said as she pulled out her work uniform.

"I just called to tell you your sister is coming home for the weekend. I'm sure she'd like it if her only sister came to see her." Adele sighed.

Her mother always tried to play the guilt trip card even though they both knew no one really wanted her around.

"I'll see what I can do mom. I'm pretty busy with school and work." There was silence on the other line for a second.

"Oh right, your bakery job and picture taking school. *Deep Sigh* Well I guess I'll go."

"Bye mother." Adele hung up before her mom could say anything else. 

She put her phone down and finally got dressed. Looking at the time and seeing she had less time than she thought, she brushed her teeth and hair and threw her hair up in a ponytail. She grabbed her phone and purse and ran out the door. She never locked her door 'cause she was the only person who had a key. Her roommate always told her she didn't want or need one. Though Adele did keep a spare under the mat outside their front door and she had told her roommate this multiple times.

As she was walking down the street, she happened to look across the street and saw a familiar face standing by the bus stop. Well it was slightly familiar. It just looked kind of older. She quickly looked forward in time to walk around a light pole. She looked back over at the person but, they were gone. Her heart raced as she thought back to the memory she had this morning. She shook her head again as she walked in the doors of the bakery smelling the sweet smells. She truly loved working here. The pay was good, the customers and staff were nice as can be, and it was kind of relaxing. She smiled at her co- worker Jesy as she went back into the kitchen to start working. Jesy was a girl she worked with but, she also went to the same university. They weren't close but, they did talk and studied together every once in a while.  

About an hour and a half into work Adele had to move to the register. She looked up from her nails and looked at all the customers seated around the bar and tables. Her heart started to race again when she saw that person again. He smiled at her, waving a little. Her eyes followed him out as another customer came in.

"Jesy, did you see that guy?" Jesy looked up and around.

"What guy Adele?" Adele looked at Jesy like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"That guy that just walked out. He had brown curly hair and green eyes." She stopped for a second to see if Jesy would answer. She continued when Jesy shook her head no. "He was wearing a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black jeans." Adele's heart raced more when Jesy, again, shook her head no. She took a deep breath and went back to work but, she just couldn't focus.

When Adele got home she quickly went into the bathroom and opened the cabinet, taking out her pills. She was on antidepressants prescribed by her doctor, even though she thought it wasn't necessary. She closed the cabinet door. Just as she looked up at the mirror she saw that face in the mirror behind her. Her eyes got big and she screamed, turning around. She clutched where her heart was and looked around not seeing the person. No. No! This can't be happening! She thought as she shakily walked to the kitchen to take her pills. She had to crush the little pills between two spoons and drink them with some water because she never could take pills. She was always afraid that she'd choke and die.  

When she took her pills she dumped the rest of the water out in the sink, setting the glass in the sink as well.

"Still gotta crush pills?" A deep voice said from behind her.

She turned to face the deep voice but, once again she was staring at air. She was starting to get freaked out. She went and locked the front door. If her roommate came back she'd just knock on the door or use the spare key. When she turned around to walk into the living room that's when she saw him standing there smiling that familiar smile with his deep dimples sticking out. He had his hands in his front pockets. Adele didn't know what to do but scream. And that's exactly what she did. The stranger was shocked she'd scream and quickly covered her mouth with one of his big hands putting the other one on the back of her head. He noticed how bad she was shaking and pulled her into a friendly, comforting hug. Adele tried as hard as she could to push this person away but, it just wasn't working!

"Addie why do you look so shocked to see me? It's just me. Harry, your best friend." He said looking at Adele slightly confused and a little hurt.

Well that's the first chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. I'm not much good at cliff hangers as you can tell. Lolz.

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