Chapter 18

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Adele was woken up to her sister pulling her out of bed and down stairs to the kitchen. Danielle didn't look happy, in fact she looked close to tears. When they stepped into the kitchen Adele saw her parents, still in their pajamas, Johnny, who looked like he just lost his entire world, and another man who looked quite rumpled up and very unhappy and just as bored.

"Why did you go through my phone!?" Danielle shouted at her sister when they had stopped walking. 

"Wait, what are you going on about?" Adele asked, trying to catch up with her sister. 

"My phone, I know you went through my messages." She accused Adele of. 

Adele couldn't process what was happening as she was still trying to wake up completely. Danielle was growing impatient and screamed as loud as she could in frustration. Adele's eyes widened and she tried to covered her ears, as did everybody else, trying to block out the loud scream. Harry came rushing down the stairs in his jeans and shirt half way on. 

"Please, Danielle, tell me it's not true!" Her mom pleaded with tears in her eyes.

Danielle pointed her finger at Adele as she spoke, "This is all your fault!" Adele didn't know what to say. This really wasn't her fault. She didn't even know what she was being accused of.

Adele stood still as everyone in the room watched her as if she was some sort of dangerous animal. She didn't like that feeling. It was something she was quite used to as a child and she didn't want to feel that way now as an adult. 

Thinking about how she used to feel, she became angrier and angrier. Her fists balled up and she tensed up. "How is this my fault?! I don't even know what I'm being accused of! I've only been here a few days and this is how I get treated! " She turned around ready to walk away. "And you people  wonder why I moved out of the damn country, why I never fucking visit!"

Adele couldn't stop the tears as she quickly walked back to her bedroom. As she was quickly packing all her and Harry's belongings up Harry quietly walked in. She knew he was there, knew he wanted to wrap her in his arms and comfort her. That's actually what she wanted, and for once she was going to get what she wanted. She walked up to him and wrapped herself around him, feeling more happy and comfortable than she had since they got here.

He didn't know what to do, how to help her. Growing up she never went through anything like this. The worst that ever happened was she got blamed for taking something from her sister or breaking something. But this, this is much different, much more complicated. It was quiet except for the commotion going on downstairs. 

"I'll finish packing, you get us tickets back home." Harry kissed the top of her head, gave her a quick squeeze, and went to their bags. He was happy they were going back to England. He didn't like why they were leaving but, he was getting home sick and he knew it was better for Adele to be there. 

Though he couldn't stop thinking about his 'family' that Adele told her parents about. As far as he knew he didn't have a family. He was just an imaginary friend. Made up by a lonely little girl. He wasn't actually born, didn't actually have a mom and dad or siblings. He wanted to though. So very badly. He knew that if he and Adele got married that he'd be apart of her family, though he didn't particularly like her family. 

He turned as Adele walked back into their room. She looked a little relieved though still very upset and stressed. She looked up at him and smiled and he knew it was a genuine smile because her dimples were very prominent in her cheeks. "We leave tonight, we have to get packed. I'll wait at the airport all day as long as I don;t have to be in this damn house any longer than I have to be." Adele said as she got dressed. 

After Harry and she finished packing they carried their luggage downstairs. She didn't want to say goodbye to anyone, she just wanted to leave. And that's what she was doing. She was done following what her parents told her to do. She was a grown woman for Christ's sake. And after this visit there was no way she was coming back. She watched the quickly saddening faces as she and Harry just took their things and walked out. She was waiting for someone to come out and say good bye or something, but wasn't surprised when the door stayed closed. 

It was quiet the entire way to the airport and she was fine with that. She just wanted to get home with Harry. Home. She wanted a home with Harry. Their own home, a place where they got to pick out the colors and furniture. A cold chill ran through her as she realized what she just thought about. She wanted to buy a house with Harry. Or at least rent their own place. She's never thought about something like this with anyone before. Though she hasn't really dated much, mostly just quick flings and one night stands. 

She turned to look at Harry, though he was already staring at her. He smiled his wonderful smile at her when he saw she was looking at him too. Harry looked concerned as she took a deep breath. 

"Harry, I..."

Imaginary Friendحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن