Chapter 9

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Adele woke up to the sound of the television playing Family Guy. She sat up and stretched out her tired and cramped limbs. She reached for the remote and turned the television off. She looked behind her and saw Harry with his eyes closed. She tilted her head to the side and studied his peaceful face.

"You do know I can feel you staring at me." He said, making her jump slightly.

He smiled and opened his eyes. Her breath was taken away at the abnormally bright green they were.

"How long have I been sleeping?" She asked leaning back against his chest.

"Only a few hours. I knew you'd be tired after making brownies." He said wrapping his long arms around her middle.

At the mention of last night all the memories came back. The baking, the mess... the kiss. She felt her face heat up and knew she was blushing. She blushed harder when she felt Harry press a sweet kiss to the side of her neck.

"What time is it? I have class today." She said leaning her head back against his shoulder.

"It's about one in the afternoon."  He said.

She sighed sitting up. She unwrapped Harry's arms from around her and headed towards the bathroom to shower. She got out and dried off. When she walked into her bedroom she found Harry sitting on her bed looking through her camera.

"These are really good, Addie." He said not looking up from the pictures.

"Thanks." She said looking for clothes to wear.

She felt kind of awkward and weird with Harry being in here while she was covered only by a towel. When she found something comfortable to wear she went and got dressed in the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and put her hair up in a loose ponytail.

She heard a knock on the front door. She was about to have Harry answer it but, remembered that only she could see him. She laughed at herself at the thought while walking out to the front door and opening it.

"He-" She was cut off by shock and suprise.

"Hey Adele." Jay said smiling at her.

He walked out to the living room to see who was at the door. When he saw Jay he felt his whole body heat up with anger. What was he doing here!?

"Um, hi, Jay. What are you doing here?" Addie said awkwardly.

"Well, I didn't know when the next time you'd be in America was, so I thought I'd suprise you so... Suprise!" He said laughing his stupid laugh.

"Um, that's great! That's really nice of you. Um, I actually have to head to class. Um, where are you staying?" She asked reaching for her shoes by the door.

"I'm staying at a hotel just down the street." He said smiling his too-big-for-his-face smile.

Harry rolled his eyes. This guy was trying way too hard. He crossed his arms over his chest and watched Jay make a bigger fool of himself.

"What time do you get out of class? Maybe if it's not too late we can, I don't know, catch dinner or something." He said shrugging.

"Um, yeah, maybe." Addie said smiling and looking down.

After they said their goodbyes she closed the door letting out a breath. She turned around and jumped.

"You scared me." She said smiling at Harry.

He walked up to her and wrapped her in a big hug.

"You don't like him do you?" He asked in a small voice.

He didn't really think he had anything to worry about but, he had a lot of disadvantages when it came to him and Jay. For starters, he's real. She can actually have a normal life with him, not with Harry.

"He's just a friend, Harry." She said kissing the middle of his throat.

She looked up at him and smiled. Her smiled always made him want to melt.

"Are you really going to dinner with him?" He asked with worry evident in his voice.

She sighed and looked down. "He came all the way to the UK just to see me. It's the least I could do." She looked up at him.

He sighed and looked down. "I'll see you after class." She said walking out the door.

He had to do something to get Jay to leave Addie alone. But what could he do? Jay can't see him! He pulled at his hair trying to think of something. His head snapped up at an idea. He quickly went to Addie's room looking for paper and a pen. He smiled when he found what he was looking for. Sitting down at her desk he wrote out a simple little note to Jay. He folded it up and stuck it in an envelope.

When he finally found Jay's hotel room number he slid the envelope under the door and walked away smiling at his work. There was no way in hell he was letting this wanna be come between him and Addie. 

I want to give a shout out and dedicate this to @emma_scott for giving me the idea of Jay coming to the UK. I hope you like the chapter! Another shout out to @LacyMarieHemlinger for looking it over for mistakes!  And sorry the chapter is so short!

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