Mr. tophat 🎩

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Orange felt uneasy as we walked through the mazes of mirrors, each step making a thud that echoed in the seemly endless building. Orange looked to the side to see a younger version of him, small and wearing a blue jacket with a flower in hand looking up at him. Orange looked above the younger self and saw a tall slim man with a red and yellow tuxedo and a dark black hat, he held a black cane with a red crystal at his hand and the other hand held the hat over his eyes, his mouth turned into a sinister grin. Orange gasped and looked behind him, no one was there, confused he looked back to see Mr. tophat standing behind him, scorpions crawling from his suit onto the floor and on orange. Orange breath Heavily as he kicked the scorpions off of his legs and ran to only be stoped by a black figure, it walked over to orange casing him to walk backwards. One appeared at the side that shocked orange, he started to back away from the two when a third came from the other side. Orange back from the shadowy figures until he was against Mr. tophat, orange screamed and jumped back to see Me. Tophat glaring at him with his green emerald eyes. He threw a coin at orange to witch he caught with ease, he looked at it to see a skull on one side then turned it over to see a scorpion on the other. He looked up as the man spoke "find the coin, find the ticket, get in to the carnival"
Orange sprinted up strait in his bed breathing heavily he looked at his bunched up hand and opened it to see the coin in hand, he gasped as he held it tightly. He looked at the edge of his feet to see a scorpion on his leg, orange made short yell as he kicked it off of the bed. Next to him he felt pear scurrying next to him then spoke with a sleepy voice "o-Orange?" Orange looked at pear "did you have another carnival nightmare?" He said in a daze, orange looked down at his hand where he held the coin but when he opened it, it was gone. Orange looked back at pear and nodded, visibly confused and scared. Pear gestured orange to come closer, orange laid next to pear. Pear pulled orange into a warm embrace putting his head on orange then said in a reassuring manner "it's ok, it's just a Dream. There's no house of mirrors, no Mr. tophat, and certainly no carnival of doom" Orange nodded in response, he nuzzled into pears chest and fell back to sleep

What's wrong with this story?
Also yes I made a actual chapter lol

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