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Orange pear and plum were sitting on the couch, marshy and little apple was on the floor, and grapefruit was on the side couch all doing there own things when grapefruit got a text message that made him sit up "what?" Plum and little apple looked at him "what's up?" Plum asked causing the others to look at grapefruit "hold on give me a sec" he did something on his phone then he gasp "spit it out will ya" Orange asked with eagerness in his voice when pear made a hand jester that made orange look away sticking his tongue out "my sister Mary is going to have a kid" plum jumped from the couch and ran over to grapefruit Screaming "REALLY!?" "Oh no" orange mumbled "yea" grapefruit said with disbelief "that's great man" pear said "what's the gender? How many months is your sis in? When is the baby coming out?! Can we come?" Grapefruit stared to space as plum buried him with questions until orange got up and pulled plum by her hoodie "woah there cowboy! Chill" plum rolled her eyes, orange looked at grapefruit "yo grapefruit!" Grapefruit looked up at orange "answer plum before she steals your phone" orange said "I uh- I'm not sure..." little apple looked at grapefruit carefully "you good?" Grapefruit looked at little apple "yea I'm fine just surprised that's all" plum pinched orange making him Yelp in pain letting go of plum "knowing my sis she's going to need a lot of help but I don't really know how to help" Plum sat next to Grapefruit "I know a little bit on taking care of children. Especially orange" little apple looked at orange surprised "really?" Orange nodded "yea, helped one of my friends with taking care of his cousins. Let me tell y'all they were crazy" little apple looked away in disbelief "why do you think you won't do well?" Pear asked, grapefruit shrugged "well my family isn't the 'lovely dovey' kind, there more head strong and strict. Ever sense I remember I loved playing with girlish stuff, I think it was a faze or something. Anyways every time I did play with girl stuff my parents would always tell me about how I'm a boy and I'm supposed to do boy stuff" grapefruit sighed "worried for the child arnt cya?" Plum asked, grapefruit nodded "I guess" he said "well if it makes ya feel less down my family isn't exactly the best either" the others looked at pear as pear started talking "my parents were good but shortly after I was born my mom started to get stressed, she explained to me how she was scared on messing up and that's why she left when I was around five. I was old enough to choose who I wanted to be with, I didn't want to choose between the two but I did ended up choosing my dad in the end. My dad met this other lady and poof came my brother and my two sisters, After a wile she also left my dad. My dad fell into a depression afterwards, I helped take care of him. The good part is that he's better now and I was able to have a connection with my mom so I guess that's nice" little apple glanced over to see marshmallow sad "you ok?" Little apple asked, Marshmallow looked at little apple and nodded "yea" orange sat next to pear and asked "did you have not so great parents?" Marshmallow shook his head "no, I never knew my parents. I lived in the country side with my grandma and grandpa until we moved to to this town, I sometimes wonder how my parents were" "why don't you sat your grandparents?" Plum asked, marshmallow shrugged "I have but they never talk about it" little apple pat marshys head, marshmallow looked at little apple "how's your family?" Little apple shrugged "it was fine other then my younger brother chasing me with a knife" plum sorted a little "how about you two?" Marshy asked looking at orange then at plum. Plum shrugged "eh, me and orange has similar backstorys..." orange nodded "I don't really wanna talk about it, the past is the past" orange said leaning on pear a little, pear blushed a bit "come on, no one will judge you"orange sighed "eh, where to start. My family was good for the most part, until..." Orange looked away anger bubbling inside "uhtil my dads mom died, after that I don't exactly know what happened my dad just... I don't know, he became distant and stuff. Around when I was 9 him and my mom were in a fight and he just left, that's it!" Orange voice raised "no return! No apparent reason! Certainly no explanation!" Orange was practically screaming at this point "it's not like he ever cared in the first place! All that talk about love was just a bunch of baloney!" Pear put his hand around orange and played with his hair to calm him down "ok ok calm down" orange took deep breaths and calmed down then continued "after that my mom had to take two jobs to support all of us, my sister was a total bitch-" "Orange" little apple said, orange sighed "sorry, I'll pay the swear jar later. Anyways my sis was a jerk because she just was and my mom stopped paying attention to me or her, and it's not like school helped with the kids being jerks and trying to pick fights all the damn time to show there cool or some weird psychology shi- I mean stuff" plum giggled "remember that one time that kid dared you to punch him, then when you did the kid almost threw up" orange smiled giggling "yea, I got detention afterwards" orange and plum started laughing "yea! I got in trouble as well for not trying to stop it" "oh yea, then You screamed "that's bull shit" out loud and got after school detention" orange and plum stared laughing louder until they calmed down. Marshmallow got up and came back with the swear jar that was already haft full, orange put 2 dollars in the swear jar. "Your turn plum" plum looked around "oh, ok then... where to start? Ah I know" plum leaned back into her seat "my mom and dad had a rocky relationship, a few months after I was born my mom found out my dad was cheating on her, shocker. Anyways after that it was just me, my mom, and my grandparents and it stayed like that for about three years. After I was three my mom met my step dad, they started out pretty rocky but as they knew eachother more they fell in love until one day my sister came. Then it was like that until I was 5 when my dad came back, I use to visit him on Saturdays and Fridays but other time he started coming less and broke his own promises, needless to say I didn't like that" plum started to fidget with her fingers "then he disappeared. Then he came back and repeated himself, that went on for a long time until I put a stop to it. I didn't want or need it in my life so I pushed him out when I was old and wise enough to do things on my own" Plum looked away and smiled "funny thing is my mom wanted me to get along with him" The others looked at orange and plum "wow, seems like you both have daddy issues" little apple said, orange nodded "guessing that's why we got along so well when we were younger" plum nodded "yea, I suppose" there was silence for a wile but then grapefruit broke it "this might seem really personal, and you don't have to answer but did you or orange ever did anything... bad like hurting yourself?" Orange become wide eye and plum looked away laughing "oh wow that is personal, but i guess i can tell you guys." Plum was silent then spoke again "I did, I didn't use anything I kinda just scratched myself and pulled out my hair, it wasn't anything horrendous" plum started playing with her hair taking one strand and pulling it out "your doing it again plum" orange said "UG! Sorry, force of habit" plum said and started to fidget with her fingers, the gang direct there attention to orange, orange stiffed up "oh me?! Well... I don't really wanna talk about it" he said, marshmallow sat next to orange "pleasssseee" orange looked at marshmallow who was doing the doll eyes "hAH, that doesn't work on me anymore!" Orange yelled out, pear whispered something in oranges ear "you manipulative little bastard" pear snorted a little "fine fine fine fine,if you must know" orange became nervous "I did do things I regretted... I kinda did cut but that was about it" oranges words started to trail off into bliss mumbling "anyways it was a long time ago and I stopped, now let's stop this conversation before one of us ends up in tears"

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