"Thanks for being the best big brother." I tell him, he smiles and turns the radio on.

We sing loudly to every song that's playing on the radio, I pull the box of cassette tapes from the glove box out and we pick which ones we want to listen to.

"Metallica or Black Sabbath?" I ask him, but he doesn't answer and parks the Impala.

"Here we are." I look up and see we're at Stanford.

I take a deep breath as Dean gets out of the car. I almost don't get out, because I don't think if I can see my brother after he left us two years ago.

"Get out." Dean tells me, I open my door and shut it and together we walk the flight of stairs to Sams room. Dean pulls out his lock picking stuff.

"You're thinking about breaking into our brothers apartment??" I ask him, he turns to me and smirks.

"Hopefully he kicks your ass." I whisper to him, he shrugs and picks the lock, walks in and runs into a table knocking something off.

"Nice going idiot." I say picking the object up and placing it back on the table. I heard a grunt and people messing around.

I walk into the other room and see Dean on top of someone, and I laugh quietly to myself.

"Easy there tiger." Dean says to the person he's on top of.

"Dean?" Sams voice rings throughout the apartment.

Sam then kicks his leg over Deans head and pins him to the ground.

"Okay, let me go." Dean says, and he smiles at Sam.

"Sam?" We hear a women's voice. She turns the light on and I can see my brothers.

Sam looks like he's aged in the two years he's been gone, I don't come out from where I'm at.

"Jess..." Sam says and walks over to the girl. Wrapping his arm around her.

"No offense, but you are way out of my brothers league." Dean flirts with her, and that's when I walk out.

"Excuse my brother, he's not use to not getting the girl." I thump him on the back of the head.

"Izzy?" Sam asks, I smirk at him.

"Hiya Sammy..." I said to him.

"Izzy? As in you sister? Then that makes you Dean?" The woman, Jess, asks.

Dean smirks at her again, I thump him on the head again.

"You mine leaving the room so we can talk with Sam here?" Dean asks, Sam looks angry we asked.

"No, what ever you want to say you can say in front of Jessica." Sam says, and Dean and I look at each other.

"Dads been gone for a few days." I say, Sam chuckles.

"He'll stumble back in, he's probably working a miller time shift." I cock my head, looking at Dean.

"Dads on a hunting trip. And he hasn't been home in a few days."

Sam then realizes what's happened.

"Jess can you excuse us?"

"You can't just ask me to go with you!" Sam yells at Dean, I roll my eyes and run in front of them.

They apparently stopped to continue to yell at one another, as I sat on the hood of the Impala. My head wrapping around the idea of Jessica.

"Dad let you have this thing?" Sams voice rings out from across the parking lot, looking up I smile.

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