"Mother... Why are you here this early?" Jungkook asked, hoping to take her attention away from the poor man.

"I wanted to check up on him and talk to you about some things", she replied curtly, moving inside the house.

Seokjin almost ran towards the kitchen, probably going to bring her some snacks.

"What did you want to ask me?" He questioned, trailing behind her.

Normally, he would first let his mother take out her anger on some poor servant and then talk to her. But this time, he wanted to protect Jin from her wrath and even she noticed the change.

"The Min family is visiting us this week and they wanted you to meet their eldest daughter, Eunhee. I have set up your date three days from now. I'll send you her address, pick her up from there and take her to some fancy restaurant."

Jungkook nodded, because what else can he do?

"And make sure that she's impressed by you, because ties with that family can be beneficial for us."

Of course, ties with a family, that's all he was good for, right? Doesn't matter what he wants, he needs to follow his parents' orders because it's beneficial for them.

"I don't want to date just anyone", he whispered, wanting to at least take some stand for himself.

His mother looked at him sharply.

"You're not dating anyone currently, trying to date one girl shouldn't be a problem for you."

"I'm not dating because I want to concentrate on my studies and-"

"You need to learn how to balance your work and home life. Think of this as a lesson for future."

Another fucking lesson.

"I'll go look around the house, see if this maid's any good", she made a face as she got up, leaving Jungkook alone in the living room.

"Where is she?"

The younger looked up to see Jin holding a kettle, carefully placing it on a mat on the table.

"Looking around the house."

"I hope she doesn't have any complaints", he whispered softly, pouring the tea in the cup.

But his hands shook again, little tremors making him unsteady.

"Let me", Jungkook offered, reaching over to take the kettle but the cat was quick to move away.

"No, it's my work!" He whisper yelled.

"Calm down, she isn't here, and you're clearly struggling. Let me help you", he advised and took the handle from Jin's hands, their fingers brushing.

It was probably the first contact they've ever had and it made Seokjin blush for some reason.

Calm down! He's only 18 and your client! It's not right to blush...

Jungkook quickly poured the tea in the cup and sat back just before the lady entered the room, her eyes looking around.

"Well, everything looks a lot better and organised. Maybe you'll stay for some more time", she said, mouth set in a line.

"Thank you, ma'am", he politely said, bowing his head in respect.

"Hmm. That'll be all then. I'll go now. And Jungkook, remember to make reservations."

And with that, she went towards the door and out through it, not even touching the tea placed for her.

"Well, that was a start", Jungkook sighed, slumping back in his seat.

"She's scary", Seokjin whispered before he looked up, startled, as if he hadn't meant to say that, "N-no, I don't mean that-"

"It's okay, I know she's scary", Jungkook smiled before stretching his arms up, "God, I'm still sleepy."

"You can go to bed, I'll wake you up when you want", Seokjin smiled in return.

"Thanks kitty", Jungkook winked. The hybrid blushed, his ears twitching. That got Jungkook's attention.

"Where do you hide your ears?"

Seokjin looked surprised at the question but he answered nonetheless.

"I keep them flat on my head and covered with hair, so it's not visible."

"Your ears are purple?" He questioned, judging by the colour of his hair.

"Yeah...", He whispered, "It's a bright colour, very difficult to hide, that's why I have to constantly dye my hair."

Jungkook hummed at his words, moving towards him.

"You don't need to hide them here, I don't have any problem", he suggested, gently tucking a strand of hair behind Jin's ear.

The gentle gesture made the hybrid blush and hold his breath, feeling shy and overwhelmed.

"O-okay", he stuttered, feeling breathless.

Happy with himself, Jungkook grinned and turned towards his room, planning to hibernate for at least 5 hours.

Another day, another problem.

But also, some budding relationship 👀

Will this date with Min family's daughter bring something new in Jinkook's life? Or will it be a disaster?

Thank you for reading, leave votes and follow me if you enjoyed this ❤️ Bye bye my sweets 😘

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