25: Gryffindor Vs Hufflepuff

Start from the beginning

Up in the air, Snape turned on his broomstick to see something scarlet shoot past him, missing him by inches - next second, Y/N had pulled out of the dive, his arm raised in triumph, but his expression still neutral, the Snitch clasped in his hand.

The entire stands were silent. Then they erupted, it had to be a record, no one could remember the Snitch being caught so quickly.

"Ron! Ron! Where are you?!" Harry screamed, elation written all over his face.

"The games over! Y/N's won! We've won! Gryffindor are in the lead!" shrieked Hermione, dancing up and down on her seat and hugging Parvati Patil in the row in front.

Y/N jumped off his broom. He had to be the only Gryffindor who wasn't smiling. His face had been neutral the entire game. But inside he was screaming. He couldn't belive it. He had won his first Quidditch match in about five minutes. The reason he wasn't smiling was because he didn't want the school to think he was being smug, but the corners of his mouth twitched, he was so happy he could barely hold back his smile.

As Gryffindors came spilling onto the pitch, he saw Snape land nearby, white faced and tight lipped. He must have been livid to be cheated of his plan, which Y/N knew was no doubt to hurt Harry, but he had failed. He turned to face Snape, and, finally, his neutral expression twisted into a satisfied smirk, Snape saw this, and spat bitterly on the ground.

* * *

Y/N left the changing room some time later, to return Harry's Nimbus Two Thousand back to the broomshed. He couldn't remember feeling happier. He was sure, that at least the Gryffindors would stop bugging him, as long as he had that, he didn't mind if the other houses remained bitter.

The evening air had never smelled so sweet. He walked over the damp grass, reliving the last hour in his head, which was a happy blur: Gryffindors running to lift him on to their shoulders; Ron, Hermione and Harry in the distance, jumping up and down, Ron cheering through a heavy nosebleed.

Y/N had reached the shed. He leant against the door and looked up at Hogwarts, with its windows glowing red in the setting sun. Gryffindor were in the lead, and best of all, he and his three friends had bested Snape.

And speaking of Snape...

A hooded figure came down the front steps of the castle. Clearly not wanting to be seen, it walked as fast as possible towards the forbidden forest. He recognised the prowling walk. Snape.

Y/N jumped back onto Harry's Nimbus and took off. Gliding gently over the castle he saw Snape enter the forest at a run. He followed.

He followed him through the forest, losing him once or twice, finally, Snape stopped in a clearing, but he wasn't alone, Quirrell was there too. Y/N climbed on the branch of a nearby tree and strained to catch what they were saying.

"... d-don't know why you w-w-wanted to meet me here of all p-places, Severus..."

"Oh I thought we'd keep this private." said Snape, his voice icy. "Students aren't supposed to know about the Philosophers Stone after all."

Y/N leaned forward. Quirrell was mumbling something: Snape interrupted him.

"Have you found out how to get past that beast of Hagrid's yet?"

"B-B-but Severus I-"

"You don't want me as your enemy Quirrell." said Snape.

"I-I don't know what you -"

"You know perfectly well what I mean."

An owl hooted loudly and Y/N nearly fell out of the tree, he steadied himself in time to hear Snape say, "- your little bit of hocus pocus. I'm waiting."

"B-B-but I dont-"

"Very well," Snape cut in. "We'll have another little chat soon, when you've had time to think about where your loyalties lie."

He threw his cloak over his head and strode out of the clearing. It was almost dark now, but Y/N could see Quirrell, standing still as though he was petrified.

* * *

"Y/N where have you been?" Hermione squeaked.

"We won! You won! We won!" shouted Ron and Harry, thumping Y/N on his back. "Everyone's waiting for you in the common room, we're having a party, Fred and George stole some stuff from the Kitchens."

"Never mind that now." Y/N said sternly. "Let's find an empty room, you wait til you hear this..."

He made sure Peeves wasn't inside before shutting the door behind them, then he told them what he had seen and heard.

"So we were right, it is the Philosophers Stone, and Snapes trying to force Quirrell to help him, theres obviously other stuff guarding the stone, loads of enchantments, and probably Quirrell would have done some anti-Dark arts spell which Snape needs to break through."

"So you mean the Stones only safe as long as Quirrell stands up to Snape?" Hermione said in alarm.

"It'll be gone by next Tuesday." said Ron.

The Philosophers Stone - Harry Potter Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now