John with a Sugar High

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Today the Beatles in Blue were making there way down past Penny Lane in Liverpool, London.  They had just gotten out of a candy shop that George had wanted to go too for a very long time.  He immediately ate all of his candy whereas John hadn't even eaten a bite of his bag full of candies.  Paul and Ringo finish eating as well.

GEORGE: "If your not gonna eat that candy then you should give it too me John!"

JOHN: "Oh, I don't know George, it just seems like I want to eat and yet I don't."

PAUL: "You ought to try the chocolates, those are a good start."

RINGO: "Nevermind tha'!  I liked the Mints an' Candy Canes."

GEORGE: "Come on John just try a bit of candy, it's very sweet!"

JOHN: "Oh alright, alright."

John takes out a piece of caramel in a wrapper and opens it up and eats it whole.  His eyes gleamed with delight.

JOHN: "Say! That wasn't half bad!  I could have another!"

He eats another piece of candy and his eyes change from red to yellow.  He continued eating the candy as George covered his face.

GEORGE: "Oh no!  He's one of those sugar high lads!"

PAUL: "What's a sugar high?"

RINGO: "Yeahuh tell us George."

John finished the whole bag of candy and was wired with energy as he leaped high in the air and raced down the street of Liverpool.  Bouncing up and down on the sidewalk and talking quick running by people.  

GEORGE: "A sugar high or sugar rush is a brief burst of energy from a food or drink that has a lot of carbohydrates.  It can only last for a short amount of time though."

RINGO: "How much sugar did John eat?"

Paul hands a the empty bag to George.  George gasped with wide eyes.

GEORGE: "Five Hundred Grams of Sugar???!!!"

PAUL: "I'm assuming that's a lot?"

GEORGE: "NO!  That's too much!  Oh dear, he's going to have a lot of energy for a while..."

RINGO: "For how long?"

GEORGE: "I dunno five hours?"

We go back to John and he's climbed up the tallest tree in Liverpool and screams out something bizzare.

JOHN: "I'M THe KiNg Of LoNdOn!!!!!!"

John trips and falls out of the tree and lands on the ground.  He got up quick though and ran off back down Liverpool and back to where his lads were.

JOHN: "GUYS! I  juSt ClImBeD a TrEe!!!"

PAUL: "That's great John but, don't you think your a bit t---."

JOHN: "ExCitEd? YES!  CoMe On CoMe ON!  LeTs gO tO pENnY LAnE!!"

John ran off in a flash, his feet were like wheel jetting off in a split second his cartoony self.  Ringo, Paul, and George just stared at one another.

RINGO: "When will it EVER end?"

GEORGE: "I could be wrong about the time, you never know when someone will get tired."

PAUL gasped: "Oh my god!  Look at John!"

Paul, George, and Ringo saw that John was now ridding on top of a bald eagle.

RINGO: "What the?!"

GEORGE: "This is something I'll never forget..."

PAUL: "Definitely."

JOHN ON THE EAGLE: "HeY LaDs!  I'M RiDdInG an EaGle!!!"

The eagles swoops down and John hops off the bird and laughed point at his friends.

JOHN: "HAHAHAHAHA!  YoU gUys ArE HiLarIouS wItH YoUr ReAc----------------."

John passed out on the ground snoring loudly.

PAUL: "Well would you look at that!  He's sleeping like a baby."

GEORGE: "Now THAT.  Is the after sugar high."

RINGO: "That's great. Buh who's gonna carry him back to the hotel?"


RINGO: "WH---Oh Dang it!"

Ringo lifted John over his shoulders and slumped a lot, he groaned rolling his eyes.

RINGO: "Why dose' it always have to be ME?!"

PAUL: "Cause your a star Ringo HAHAHA!"

RINGO: "V-Very....Funny...."

GEORGE: "I'll give you the last of me' sandwich when we get back."

RINGO: "Thanks mate."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2019 ⏰

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