Georges' Cat

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(This is my fave short story XD)

The Beatles in Blue had gotten just gotten out of a concert, they are now heading towards a park that Ringo had pointed out.  The lads needed a break from playing so they made there way to the central park that was in New York City.  

RINGO: "Say, there's a cat stuck in that tree, should I try to go and save it?"

GEORGE chuckled: "That's actually MY cat.  Well, as long as you don't fall out of the tree, you might end up in the hospital."

PAUL: "Don't do it."

RINGO: "Why?"

JOHN: "You'll just find yourself stuck in that tree and then the cat will just jump out by itself!"

PAUL: "It happens all the time."

GEORGE: "I think you should do it."

RINGO: "I dunno George, it's a very tall tree."

GEORGE irritated: "That's MY cat up there Ringo!"

RINGO: "Hey HEy!  It's not my fault your cat decided to climb up the tree!"

GEORGE sighed and begged: "Will you at least do it for me?  Just get my poor poor cat from the tree Ringo?"

RINGO: "Oh alright fine!  But I'm never doing this again."

Ringo leaped up and climbed the tree.  Below the rest of his lads watched as he climbed higher and higher up the tree getting more near to the cat.  For a moment George was very impressed, although, when John looked up, he reacted surprised.

JOHN: "R-RINGO!  HOw d--?!"

Ringo shouted from above.

RINGO: "It's alrigh!  I'm okay lads, just gotta get this pussy cat and I'll be right back down!"

PAUL: "I never knew Ringo was such a great climber."

GEORGE: "He's the best there is!"

Ringo reached out for the cat as he held onto the tree branch.  The ginger cat trotted over and leaped on top of Ringo's head and mop top.  He laughed his goofy laugh.  Soon he carefully climbed back down with the cat on top of his head.

JOHN: "I'd say that cat made a very good choice."

GEORGE: "He's my cat!"

PAUL: "What's it name?"

GEORGE: "Harrison."

JOHN with a brow up: "You named the cat after your last name?"

GEORGE shrugged: "I couldn't think of any other names."

PAUL: "Well that's awfully strange."

RINGO: "Here's your cat George."

The ginger cat leaps from Ringo's arms an into Georges'.  He pets the cat upon the head.

GEORGE: "Thank you Ringo.  I know I'll never doubt your climbing skills ever again."

RINGO: "Oh anytime lad.  By the way, what's it name?"

JOHN: "He says it's name is Harrison."

RINGO laughed: "I like that name Huh HuH YeaHuh!"

GEORGE: "At least we all know Ringo is very strong we can all agree right lads?"

JOHN: "We also know he can stand up on stage an look prettier than Paul."


John laughed.

RINGO: "Maybe I'm pretty strong HuH HuH YeaHuh!!!"

GEORGE: "Oh dear you can all stop with the jokes now!"

HARRISON CAT: "meow..."

GEORGE: "What's that Harrison?"

George listened to his cat purr.


GEORGE: "I better take Harrison home, he's getting hungry like I am."

JOHN sighed shaking his head: "What a coincidence!"

PAUL: "Ironic."

RINGO: "Not surprising."

GEORGE: "Our mind's speak alike, anyways, later lads I'll be back before the concert!"

George Harrison left his lads as he walked away with his Ginger cat.   

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