Chapter 9: He Demanded

Start from the beginning

“John. He simply adores you.”

Lavinia raised an eyebrow, which prompted a blush on the older woman’s cheeks. Dagenham had not wanted to mention the glances between her beloved and his slave. She could see there was no desire in his eyes; their relationship was not of a sexual sort. It seemed he controlled her very moments and adored doing so.

A woman as strong as Lavinia was untameable in society’s eyes. Mrs Dagenham had always been surprised the woman hadn’t run away. She had seen the bruises which were inflicted upon her, the way she barely ventured out of the house when he was in residence and the dulling of her eyes when he called for her. 

The previously married woman could only speculate that John enjoyed the hold. Lavinia would never fear him, but his actions were another matter. A man, who could dominate a woman, clearly gained some confidence from doing so. Her previous husband had been similar, until he passed away. 

His death had been quick and painless, according to the doctor. Found dead in his hotel room, the young man had no bloody weapons around him but blood pooled around him. Dagenham had obviously sobbed, but now it was time for a new chapter in her life.  Now, she was free from a male grasp.

Only to trap herself into another. 

She blinked, realising the slave was occasionally glancing at her. Clearing her throat and motioned to the honey cake on her plate.  

“No wonder when you make desserts like this.” She bit into the lavishly dressed cake, her eyes closing in bliss. She ignored the bile rising in her mouth and the reluctance to give up the freedom she had. But, she couldn’t survive unwedded. Once she was married again, she would convince her new husband to take her to London. 

Lavinia ignored the temptation to comment. She wanted to explain she didn’t want to be the recipient of his affections, if it meant she was slave. She held her lip because the last time she had answered back to the young widow, she had received a black eye. 

Instead, she excused herself to check if the guest room had a fire. 

Once the kitchen and drawing room was secure, Lavinia headed out to the gardens. She knew her master would take his stallion for a ride but for now she needed the breeze. The consequences were irrelevant. 


Katherine stared at her reflection, willing a smile to appear on her face. Even in her tailored gown, she felt as worthless as she had done before. Her sombre grey chemise, adorned with diamonds on the side and a daring neckline were perfect for a woman as young as she was. However, she had refused to leave without covering her breast and as now also wearing a long hooded cloak.

She had pulled her hair back into a simple ponytail and left it without accessories. This was because she had been in a rush, thinking she would be late. Instead, Adams was wasting her time.  She had been waiting in this foyer for a while now, ignoring the urge to flee.

The space was enough to give someone a heart attack. Various heads of killed animals, displayed as prizes on the walls. Teeth were bared and lifeless eyes of different organisms were placed all over the walls. His art seemed so violent, even for one who worked with murderers. 

One painting was clearly of Adams, holding a musket and smiling wolfishly at the painter. His stance was not rigid, there was a big dog beside him and the skies were as foggy as the sea. Yet, you could still see him. He was the centre of the portrait, he commanded your eyes. He wore black riding attire, showing his wealth.  He seemed an arrogant man already. His portrait showed wicked green eyes and shaggy brown hair. 

He had been impolite enough to make her wait for so long, she wanted this meeting to be over quickly. “Mrs Blake,”

Katherine swept an elegant curtsey and greeted James formally. “Mr Adams, sir, good morning.”

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