So, she shifts by Gabrielle and stands to her feet, moving around their gathered party and into the general crowd as the Mock Queen notices but fails to care in the moment. But with Sansa's absence, Jon shifts closer towards her—as if tempting her—and Gabrielle searches for anything to distract herself from his presence, only to be saved by Tormund.

"I saw him riding that thing," Tormund drunkenly slurs as he wobbles on his feet, pointing at Jon and they can only assume he means Rhaegal.

But grinning gaily at such an act, Davos pieces in with humor, "We all did."

"No. No, I saw him riding that thing."

"That's right, you did," Gabrielle echoes with suppressed laughter and forgotten charisma.

"I did," Tormund verifies as he meets her eyes—as if believing she understands him and prompting her thus to laugh. But the man ignores her as he turns to the wildlings gathered around them, shouting, "That's why we all agreed to follow him. That's the kind of man he is. He's little. But he's strong. Strong enough to befriend an enemy and get murdered for it! Most people get bloody murdered, they stay that way. Not this one."

The men laugh at Tormund's proclamation. And maybe it's because they aren't worshiping him for his resurrection—as if he had a choice—but Jon actually relaxes at the wildling's words, biting back, "Yeah, I didn't have much say in that."

"Ah! He comes back and keeps fighting. Here, north of the Wall, and then back here again. He keeps fighting. He keeps fighting. He climbed on a fucking dragon and fought. What kind of person climbs on a fucking dragon? A madman or a king!" Tormund calls to the likes of all those listening, including the Dragon Queen herself who's starting to see the challenge that rises from the men before her.

Yet, not wishing to succumb to the political battle tonight, Gabrielle ignores the look Daenerys must be wearing as she laughs and rises to grab more ale from nearby. Passing the empty horn of goat's milk to Tormund—who hoots in wonder—she is not so lost from her true self to whisper in Jon's ear, "I'd say a king."

Jon looks at her with something akin to awe and confusion, yet her eyes dart away in a silent gesture towards Daenerys who looks to be leaving. And yet, Gabrielle continues—because he must understand the game that begins tomorrow—"Because those who don't want the throne are often the better rulers than those who do."

As if just a snide comment or an off-handed brag, Gabrielle walks away from Jon with the cessation of her words, feeling the pulse of the man's eyes on her head as she nods knowingly at Varys from across the room. And in that moment—even as she avidly avoids them—Jon is brought back to the politics that will always fester in his home, whether he likes them or not.


The Hound watches the Little Bird with something akin to awe at the changes he sees in her...more than just the visible ones. Indeed, while the pretty girl had transformed into one of the most beautiful women Sandor has ever seen—it is her character that truly throws him and makes him want to hear more. She killed Ramsey Bolton with his own ploys—and to Sandor, that is perhaps one of the most striking yet hilarious aspects of her change. Long gone is the bird who feared men in armor...and here sits a Lady who set the dogs on her husband and enjoyed watching.

Indeed, the Hound had always seen Sansa almost mimic the behavior of Gabrielle during their youth, as if a cover for her own weak self. And while the woman's eyes and mask seem just a stone-throw away from Gabrielle's at her political peak, Sansa is unique with her own Northern mentality. Yet they still adorn the scars of women who have faced too much.

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