Chapter 28 // Lazy Day

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“Who’s asking?” I smirked.

“I’m Mason’s friend, Ian.” I felt my jaw drop at his response. “Y-y-you’re friends with Mason?”
“Best friends actually. When he said you were beautiful I did not know he meant this beautiful.” Ian chuckled, looking me up and down.  “Such a shame you guys broke up.” He said as he licked his lips.

“He’s talked about me?”

“All the time. It’s like you two never broke up. He told me about your new boyfriend.”

“Gray, I want pizza already,” Luke said as he popped up next to me, “Who’s this.”

“He’s a friend of Mason apparently.” I whispered to Luke.

“Oh, my good friend Mason. You tell that son of a bitch if he comes near Daniela, that I will make him regret living in Australia so bad he will want to move to Antarctica. You got that?” Luke said through gritted teeth.

“Y-y-yes sir.” Ian stuttered. 
“Thanks for the pizza mate.” Luke thanked Ian, then shut the door. Luke took the pizza from my hands and walked to the kitchen. I followed him and helped him set the table. After the table was set, we both sat down. “Thanks.” I said as I got a pizza slice. “For what?” Luke asked as he grabbed pizza also.

“For what you said to Ian.”

“Who’s Ian?”

“The pizza delivery guy.”

“Oh, well you’re welcome.” He smiled and took a bit of his pizza.

“Did you really mean it?” I asked him.

“Yeah, of course I did.” Luke said, causing me to smile. After eating the whole pizza between the two of us, we started the next movie, Beautiful Creatures. We both sat on the same couch to watch the movie. When the movie started playing, I felt Luke shiver. “You want some blankets?” I asked him.

“Yes please.” He smiled. I got up from the couch and walked upstairs where we kept the extra blankets. I got 2 big, fluffy blankets and brought them downstairs. I gave Luke one and kept the other one for myself. I continued to watch the movie until my eyes started closing.


I opened my eyes and saw the TV on, still playing Beautiful Creatures. I tried to sit up but I was restricted by something. I looked down at my waist and saw Luke’s arms around them. I looked behind me and saw Luke sleeping. I went back to my original position to continue watching the movie.

After the movie was over, I looked for the remote. I saw it on the other couch. I tried to reach for it but Luke’s arms weren’t helping me. Before I could try to reach again, I heard Luke’s phone go off. I lightly shook Luke to wake him up. “Luke your phone is ringing.” Luke’s eyes slowly opened as he tried to look for his phone. Once he found it, he answered it. “Hello?” Whoever was calling him, it made Luke’s jaw drop. “Who is it?” I mouthed to him.

“Hey dad?” He replied  to the person on the phone and to me. I sat up, letting him stand up. Luke started walking around the room while talking on the phone. “Well here I am. What do you want?” He asked his dad.

“I mean you did leave mom, Ben, Jack, and me for that bimbo secretary.” Luke replied to his father. Luke ran his hand through his hair. “I’ll have to think about it. I’ll get back to you.”

“Office party huh? That’s all you want me for? So you can show me off to your clients and co-workers? So they don’t think you have a terrible relationship with your ex-family?”

“Whatever. Bye.” Luke hung up and shoved his phone in his pocket. “What did he say?” I asked.

“He said something about reconnecting or something. And he’s inviting me to his office party and after that he’ll like to ‘hang out’.”

“Well that’s good.”

“Good? I don’t want to reconnect with my dad, he gave up on us.” He scoffed while sitting next to me.

“Well maybe,” I took his hand in mine, “he realized his mistake for leaving your mom, Ben, Jack, and you and since he can’t come back to you guys since he’s with-“

“The secretary bimbo.” Luke said.

“Yeah. He’s taking baby steps to fix things with his old family. His first family.” I smiled reassuringly at Luke. “So I think you should see how the office party goes, then if that goes well, then go hang out with him once, and if that doesn’t go good then forget about seeing him anymore, but if it does go good then you’ll see him again.”

“You’re right, Gray. Can you come to office party with me? He said I could bring as many people as I want.”
“What about Johanna? Why don’t you take her?” I said, immediately regretting it.

“I rather take you..” He said, “Cause you know the case about my dad.” He smiled sheeply. “And Johanna and I aren’t together anyway.”


“Yeah, turns out she was cheating on me with a variety of guys and plus the only reason I dated her was to get over you. Michael and Calum suggested it.”

“Get over me?”

“Yeah, they noticed after the New Years thing that I was head over heels for you.”

“I would love to go.” I tried to change the subject.

“I was thinking to take my mom too and your mom because then she can keep my mom company.” Luke said. I nodded.

“Sounds like a plan.”


I know how happy you guys should be. I mean Johanna and Luke broke up. It’s the greatest day ever Am I right ladies? ps the gif on the side is my fav gif evaaaaaa

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