chapter four : plan pervert

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Adrien: h-hello..S-ssssssssir...

Marinette: oh no..

Tom: Son could you please come back over here.

Adrien: c-come c-c-coming..


Adrien:*shyly inches into the room and, nervously grabs a seat on the floor;
a far distance from Marinette. Implying that he is weak, vulnerable and,expecting punishment.*

Tom: Son, there comes a time in every young man's life when he feels that he's ready to endure complicated and .... Ahem... interesting feelings from another human being.
This is not going to make anyone think less of you.

This is completely natural and different for everyone
So, let me give you
"the talk"

Adrien: Sir I promise I will never french-kiss Marinette.................................


Tom: ....

Adrien: ...................................................................................................................................................................okaythat's................ ............................................................................................................................that's a lie....

Tom: phew, for a second there I almost thought you two actually-

Marinette: w-we did.............h-he was s-saying that h-he's not GOING to not d-d-do it...again .

Tom: *takes extremely deep breath* Adrien..

Adrien: yEs SiR ??

Tom: would you like to spend the night.

Adrien: ...s-so you can keep an eye on meyes.

Tom: exactly

Adrien: I Take it I won't be sleeping in the same room as Marinette..?

Tom: no way In %$@* son

Adrien: well I tried!
(secessfully avoided
"the talk")

Tom: I'm a very sensitive sleeper so I'm gonna know if you try anything..... don't try anything.

Adrien: yes sir..
[but you know you can't stop me from "getting a glass of water" in the middle of the night... While your sleeping now can fact I plan on being pretty thirsty tonight......] he he he he he

Tom: I mean it!

Adrien: *fake voice*
oh yes, of course sir!

Tom: alright..

I already had a talk with your father about the situation and he aprooves.

Adrien: waitwhat REALY!?!?

Tom: you and Marinette can hang out in her room-

Adrien: he he..


Adrien: Like a door's gonna stop-

Tom: excuse me?

Adrien: I mean.......
Of course I'll keep the door opened.. Ha
....ha..ha..... He...He....

Tom: rrrrrrhhh

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