I love her

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Marinette: umm

Adrien: *whispers in her ear* we don't have to do anything loud

Marinette: how 'bout we just kiss alot for one minute and then you go leave..

Adrien: okay.. but I wanna..

Marinette: .. A-and after you leave I'll get thirsty for a mid night snack?

Adrien: mhhhhh.. 

Marinette: what?

Adrien: I wish we could just be alone together for one night...

Marinette: Is that right.

Adrien: mmhhhhh no not mhh! Not like that ah~ I didn't mhhhh!

Marinette: sh sh sh! Quiet.. *kisses him*

Adrien: aren't you expected to scream when you're near something hot

Marinette: shh stop..
*kisses him again*

Adrien: mhh mhh...

Marinette: Adrien..

Adrien: y-..yeah..?

Marinette: hold your breath okay?

Adrien: okay.. *takes a deep breath*

*pinches his nose shut* *continues kissing*

Adrien: ...

Marinette: mh..

Adrien: hehehe

*lets go of his nose*
hey don't laugh...

Adrien: nono..I'm not laughing at you.. I just like that..

Marinette: like what?

Adrien:*smirk* hehe... *smiles* hehehehehehehe

Marinette: oh my goodness you're so cute

Adrien: *kiss* mwah!

Marinette: *smiles* hey I thought we were making out  come on!

Adrien: *licks her face* heh..

Marinette: pff! Ew Adrien!

Adrien: You want me to use more tongue?
*grabs her face while smiling with his tounge out*

Marinette: *smiling a bunch* ew! Adrien!

Adrien: *gives her a sloppy kiss on the mouth*

Marinette: hehehehe! Noo Adrien! come on!!

Adrien: *kiss*

Marinette: mhh..

Adrien: *smirk*
*kisses neck*

Marinette: mhh..ah~

Adrien: okay I'm gonna...bye
*climbs down to the hatch door and opens it*

*wide eyes* hey Mr. Dupain

Tom *about to pop a blood vessel* Adrien.. what the **** are you doing in here!?!?!?!?!?!

Adrien: I- I 

Tom: I specifically told you not to come in here!!!

Adrien: I know but- 

Tom: BUT?? BUT WHAT??!!!!

Adrien: I really li- I LOVE Marinette...

Tom: It's just the Hunny moon faze you'll get over it.

Adrien: No  I started liking her when I met her bet that was just appearances and the cutes thing she did it really was just a crush.. but then we became friends...

She let me into her life she told me her problems, her likes and, dislikes...

But I thought she was just a friend.. 

Until I realized recently that she's not just a friend to me..

 She's the only thing or person that doesn't get removed from my life... I LOVE HER and... I want to show her how much I love her! Shes perfect including her flaws.. like how clumsy she is and how she studders when she gets nervous or when she's a little jealous... shes so beautiful and smart and-

And it's like when I'm trying to sleep or waking up or just any moment of the day all I can think about is when I'm gonna see her bluebell eyes and, adorable little hands next..

She makes me feel like there are butterflies in my stomach and I'm floating..

I love Marinette! So yeah, I will always try to be near her! and I will try to kiss her and, intertwine my fingers with hers and, hold her because that's what makes her feel loved and, happy.  

That's the most important thing! That's why I came up here because I love her. I'm not sorry...

So don't tell me I can't see every single freckle on this gorgeous lady's face

You can't make me stop loving her.

Tom in tears: half an hour then go back to sleep... no funny business.

Adrien: thank you!

Tom: Don't fall asleep...

Adrien: I wont...

Tom: *leaves*

Marinette in tears: did you mean what you said about me?

Adrien: *smiling* I did.. I lov- *blushes* mhh.. Im in lo- mhh!!!

Marinette: you love me?

Adrien: I guess I'm too nervous to say it to your face.. *covers his eyes* I love you

Marinette: *looks away* I-I love you too...

Adrien: *Smiles*

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