"That would be very nice of you to do," Allison answered.

I looked Derek up and replied, "Sure, but if you don't mind me getting dropped off last. I don't want Scott to get mad at me for just leaving her alone."

"Sure thing," Derek motioned to his black muscle car.


Allison was dropped off first, as per my request. Derek parked his black muscle car out in front of my house and cut the engine, but I didn't move from my seat. Turning to look into his eyes, I gave him a smile. As much as I wanted to hate him, he hasn't done anything to me and was kind enough to double back just to get me home.

"Thanks again for the lift," I thanked him, "Especially, since you had to double back to get to my place. That doesn't change the fact that you are a hard book to crack."

He chuckled, almost playfully, "I don't want to hurt you, Juliette. It's strange, but you have a similar smell to my relatives. Also, as much as I hate to say this, but Scott needs my help. I think you are the only one that can get through to him."

"I know... but I can also helped him," I tried to redirect his assumptions, "I have been on my own since I learned I was a werewolf. I'm sure I can help Scott as much as you can help him. On top of the fact that I know him better than you."

"You might be right, but when the hunters are in town, it will be harder for us," he leaned forward, draping his arm on the back of my seat, "He's going to need to control his anger if he is going to keep himself safe from them."

"I know..." I asked, getting worried at the thought of someone hurting Scott.

Derek went serious. His smile quickly fell and his eyes were hard and emotionless. I can feel his worry like he had said too much. He pulled himself back onto his seat and said, "I think you should get inside. Your mother just woke up."

I turned to look over to my house, seeing one of the lights turn on. It was the light in her room. Looking back at Derek, I nodded, thanking him once more before I got out of his car. He didn't leave until I was inside my house. The lights of the foyer was turned on as my mother called out from upstairs.

"Did you have fun at the party?" she asked.

I smiled over to her, nodding, "Sure did. Sorry, it's late. I was making sure my friend got back home safely, then got dropped off."

"That's good," she replied before heading down the stairs, slipping into her lab coat.

I gave her a quick kiss before climbing the stairs past her, "Goodnight! Have a safe night at work!"

"Will do," she laughed, "Get some rest, dear."


Scott and I were at Stiles' place the next day to talk about what happened last night. So much happened while I knocked out last night. They told me about the whole hunter attack on top of me telling them about the conversation I had with Derek. To say they were not happy at the thought of me being alone with him was an understatement but I didn't care. Oh and Scott was up to speed with me being a werewolf which took a bit to explain to him.

"So this is really a thing..." Stiles said as he laid back on his bed.Scott was on his desk chair as I sat next to Stiles on his bed. We were all decompressing from all of the information we told each other. I looked out the window for a moment as I sighed in agreement.

Scott on the other hand had other things to worry about, "Allison is really going to hate me..."

"Scott... Really? She's not going to hate you," I sighed and looked over to him, "I mean, you are going to need to give her one hell of an explanation but she very much into you. Stop being such a downer..."

Hidden Under the Moon [Stiles Stilinski]Where stories live. Discover now