Portrait of the Haddock twins 2

Start from the beginning

I sighed and looked out infront of us where I think I could see something.

"He might be onto something" Hiccup said as I showed him. "In the serpent's mouth lies the key"

He held up the paper so the drawing and what looked to be a statue in the form of a serpent were side by side.

"Toothless, let's go" hiccup said but was stopped by fishlegs.

"Woah, woah, woah, a-are you cray?!" he asked as we looked at him confused.

"You cant take a Night Fury with a wing span of 48 feet and expect him to hover in winds like that! You'll be killed"  fishlegs finished

I contemplated his words before looking to Meatlug and I got an idea. "Well what's the wing span of Meatlug?" I asked.

Fishlegs' eyes widened.

It took me and my brother a while to decide who and how we were going to do this thing. Hiccup decided to go and we tied a rope to Meatlug that he would hold on to as they flew over the statue.

We stayed on the sea stack as we saw what happened. It looked like they were having some trouble and I was seriously worried for my brother. Toothless and I stayed ready in case anything should happen.

When they returned we cheered. We had gotten another clue to this treasure. We were doing things Dad and other vikings couldn't.

We flew towards the forest where we walked for a bit. Hiccup had given me the pieces and I was examining them. I was messing with then when I realized they fit together.

"Look, they fit together!" I exclaimed and hiccup looked back intrigued

"We must be on the right track" he said and nodded

"Hiccup, hicca, what'll you do with you're part of the treasure?" ruff asked.

My brother and I glanced at one another. "We're not really here for the treasure"

Ruffnut looked at us weirdly before snotlout spoke up. "Great, I get their share!"

But I was drawn out of the conversation by toothless.

"Is this to prove to you're father?" he asked

I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly. "Yes? Doing this can get dad to accept hiccup as he is-"

"I meant for you" He interrupted and I sighed.

"I don't want to be forgotten. In history they'd know Hiccup as the brave boy he was or is right now. Would they even know he had a sister? that the chief had a daughter? But then again I haven't really done anything worth wild" I said

Toothless glanced back at me to protest but we came before stones and rocks forming a wall.

"This must be it" I muttered while hiccup spoke. "Why else would someone build a wall in the middle of the woods?"

"Uh duh, to keep out the other trees" tuffnut said jokingly.

"Hah! good one tuff" I said and he laughed as well.

"I don't think you're joke fits this" hiccup said and started to read the clue. "The world's right, when stars align; when not in sync, the danger you'll fine"

"Stars? I'm not waiting here til night" snot spoke

"I don't think he means actual stars" I told the snot. "Like the water didn't exactly turn to bone"

"So what do you guys think it actually means guys?" Astrid asked

"Why are you asking them? Maybe I know" Snotlout spoke up

Haddock Twins: Riders Of BerkWhere stories live. Discover now