Viking for Hire

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Viking for Hire

'Everybody needs a place in the world'

Chief of the Berk Hooligan Tribe, Stoick the Vast, stood tall on the deck of the ship and commanded.

'Some people are born to theirs'

Some people's paths are a stone placed directly in front of them.

"Raise the main sail!" He ordered. "Turn her towards starboard"

The men around him listened eagerly and rushed to do as he said before waiting for more commands.

"Aye sir!"

He was their leader.

'Some people discover theirs'

But not everyone's path is so obvious.

Hiccup and Hicca held hands tightly as they squeezed their eyes shut and slowly outstretched their other hands.

Toothless sniffed both before leaning into their touch.

"I trust you"

'And some people make a place for themselves.'

And not everyone's path is cut in stone

There was a raid. Dragons fought against Vikings for their livestocks. Gobber the Belch pounded away at a sword in his forge. When it was to his satisfaction, he put it in his weapons cart and pulled it into battle.

"Grab a weapon, no time to be picky!" he yelled as villagers crowded around him to get what they needed to finish their enemies.

The blacksmith then grabbed his own prosthetic weapon and joined the fray.

'But then the world around them changes, and the place they made is gone.'

Hicca's pov

"Every dragon has a unique sat of capabilities. Which dragon makes the best welding torch?" My brother asks from in front the score rock.

We were currently playing a game about dragon knowledge.

"Oo, Deadly Nadder!" Astrid exclaimed and me exclaimed.

"Its magnesium flame is hotter than the sun!" Fishlegs added.

"Correct! Point to Team Astrid. Score is now 100 to 10." Hiccup says.

"You guys started with 10" I said to the other team. Team Astrid consisted of Fishlegs, Astrid and I. The other team, Team Snotlout, consisted of Snotlout and the twins.

"Oh yeah? Well the game's not over." Tuff says and his sister grins before he looks down confused. "wait, which team am I on?"

"Next question. What is the shot limit of the Hideous Zippleback?" Hiccup shuts his book and looks to the other team. "Team Snotlout?"

"I don't think they could count that high," Astrid says to us and we chuckle.

"Let's see about that. Barf. Belch." The Zippleback then shot six fireballs at us to which I yelped and quickly hid behind the barrels. It wasn't like they were big ones but it still made me uneasy. We hadn't exactly told our friends my predicament.

"Looks like it's around three," Tuffnut said, holding up two fingers. I groaned and facepalmed. He just proved Astrid's statement.

"Told you we can count that high." Ruffnut said obliviously.

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