Eclipse/Topaz: Stand Up Comedy Isn't a Joke!

Start from the beginning

Of all the items, this one catches my attention the most. It could be formal, as it matches my new uniform, or it could be casual. Either way, I cannot tell.

I study it a bit longer, eventually shrugging and tugging it on. I appreciate its freedom almost immediately; Shadow is always complaining about the restrictive qualities of pants and how he can hardly walk quickly in them without fear of tearing the fabric, but this does not keep me from stretching and lifting my leg nearly into a split. I pull on one of the t-shirts, tucking it in and buttoning the jacket over it, deciding I look quite good for my first attempt at Mobian clothing.

As I exit my room, feeling well-dressed, I feel a lot of pride in my clothing. In my own race, clothing signifies leadership and power; I believe certain types signify the same things here, such as the Commander's unique, decorated jacket.

I'm an agent of G.U.N. now. I have the uniform to prove it. I've earned this through my own effort, and now the whole world can see my dedication simply by looking at me.

The thought makes me grin.

I pass several rooms, not entirely sure where I want to go until I catch the unmistakable presence of Shadow's mind nearby. Pausing, I locate him and teleport, appearing with a crack in the Chaos lab.

"--but overall, yes, that's right. Eclipse?" Shadow says in surprise, turning around from the scientist he was talking to; evidently, I interrupted him. "It's nearly eight. Have you been asleep?" As he asks the question, he scans me with a look of slight bewilderment, and I smirk at the inference he didn't know I was getting a uniform.

"Aver, and better off for it. I needed rest," I shrug, waving at Ayers as I glimpse her across the room. "What's she doing down here?"

"Well, er," Shadow replies, ears pinning back momentarily. "They're planning for how they're going to move the creations."

"Oh," I frown, quickly shaking off that thought before it ruins my good day. "Should have figured. Does the Commander have anything for us to do today?"

"He said the most important thing is to recover after all these weeks of stress. I've been answering questions for the lab this morning, but I'm almost done here," Shadow answers, looking a bit relieved himself; I almost feel guilty he had to do the task by himself, but what can I say? I'm glad it wasn't me. "Later, Rouge wants to drag me out to do something. But, one thing Tower also said was that you were allowed to access G.U.N.'s whole now, the same as Rouge and I."

"I know. It's epic," I grin, and my half-brother smirks. "I don't know where I want to go first."

"Wherever you go, prepare for a lot of staring and questions," he says, smirk turning somewhat rueful. "It's a madhouse trying to go somewhere for your first month as a new agent. Everyone crowds you and gets all excited..." He shudders, apparently not having liked his previous experiences, and I snicker.

"So, being a celebrity? Sounds fun," I reply, and he chuckles. "I was thinking I'll talk to Agatha, explore a little. Maybe make a few speeches, I dunno."

"Have fun with that," he responds, raising an eye ridge.

"Oh, I will," I grin, knocking him lightly on the shoulder. "Have fun on your outing with Rouge, brother. I'll see you later. I'm going to get breakfast!" I whoop, turning around and heading towards the door with an enthusiastic wave. Shadow raises his hand in farewell with a somewhat amused expression, then changes it to hold up a finger, opening his mouth as I near the door.

"Uh, Eclipse--" He pauses, looking like he's about to say something. "Er, nevermind. Tell Topaz hello for me."

"Sure," I call, wondering what that was about. I turn the corner with a spring in my step, excited for my first day as an official agent. I saunter through the halls, waving at various people I know from my time here, and pull out my new keycard as I arrive at the stairwell. I swipe my ID for the first time, grinning widely when the access pad turns green. I trot upwards, thrilled by my new freedom, happy with the start of my day, and eager to show Agatha all that I've earned.

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