Laughing, I slide in under the lowest rope and start getting ready for Mingi to come and follow.

"Ok no punching my baby in his beautiful face Mingi!" Mingi runs past Jongho, but not without flipping him off first. I try and hide my giggles behind my hand at Mingi, but Jongho glares over at me and I stop.

Someone needs their dick sucked. God damn. You would think kisses would hold him off just fine, but I guess not.

"Honestly Yeo, fucking deck Mingi good in the face. Punishment because of yesterday." I laugh and nod my head at Yunho's request giving him a thumbs up.

Mingi finally makes it in the ring. "First one to pin the other on their back for three seconds wins." I put my set up and Mingi follows. "Baby you count it down-" What the fuck doesn Mingi think this is? Does he assume in the battlefield his enemies would wait until a fucking countdown to three would happen in order for them to start fighting each other?

I obviously caught Mingi way off guard and kicked him straight in the face. He almost falls down, but quickly catches himself and throws a punch at me. "What did I say Mingi? Not his fucking face!" Mingi is so easy to distract because while he turns around to tell off Jongho I run up behind him and put him in a chokehold. "That's not fair! Jongho distracted me!" I roll my eyes and wink over at Jongho who has a smug look on his face. Mingi is trying his hardest to get out of my choke hold, but I learned from the best, Jongho, and no way in hell would he be able to get out of this. Yet I want to have more fun so I let him go, but I make sure to kick him on his face.

I glance over at Yunho who doesn't seemed fazed by any of this, "That one was for you." He smiles and he seems satisfied so I get back to beating Mingi.

"Ok. Now you just made me really fucking pissed Yeo fucking Sang." Mingi gets back on his feet and face towards me. If it was any other person they probably would be scared of the tension in Mingi's eyes now, but I know this guy. He doesn't scare me no more, nothing really ever can. If anything this makes me more excited he will finally fight back and give me some kind of challenge.

Or at least I hope he would.

I look down at Mingi who i'm straddling because obviously I just beat him. "That will teach you to work smarter not harder." I'm surprised when i'm turned around and already hoisted up by Jongho. "That's my babyboy." I look down, because he is so fucking strong he pulled me up to basically have my legs on top of his shoulder. "Ok yes babe, I know you're proud, but can you please put me down!" Jongho laughs and he does.

"I'm calling re-match! You kinda had a head start in the beginning with Jongho helping you a bit." Me and Jongho laugh at Mingi's complaining to me beating him. "Uhh, how about we take five before you get yourself beat up again," Yunho says as he dabs away at a cut Mingi's cheek I somehow gave him. "And you're scared of your baby Yunho to coming with us on missions when you just let a little old guy like me beat your ass into oblivion?" It makes me smile harder when I notice Mingi get even more mad. I love pushing people's buttons...Ok wait. No. Not just people's in general, honestly just Mingi's.

I kiss Jongho and he moves to pull back, but I grip his shirt. "So what' will you give your babyboy as a present?" Biting my lips just the way I know would get him weak in the knees. "What does babyboy want? Does he want daddy to fuck him from behind with his hair pulled?" God. My dick is so hard because I love when he responds with the same energy. "I'm not sure," I kneel down to "tie" my shoes and look back up. "All I know is what I really want is for daddy to fuck my mouth with his long thick cock," licking my lips in the process. Jongho nods his head and looks around to see if anyone is paying attention to us. "You just like making daddy hard in uncomfortable situations. I don't know if you should get what you want now."

"Ok I can see those sex eyes from here. Can we refrain from almost having sex again and get back to training?" Rolling my eyes I look up at Yunho. "Don't get all salty because Mingi won't allow you to spell coconut on his dick every once and a while." At my crude comment, Yunho goes red and drags a, finally, laughing Mingi away to the punching bags.

"Ok on a real note though we should get back to training too." I grab Jongho's hand to hoist me up on my feet and follow Jongho, to where San is stretching with Wooyoung.

I'm not exactly sure when they came in, but I know it was during the fight. I feel like taking Wooyoung away from San for a little while will do both of them goof for a while and I'm glad Jongho had the same idea.

"Hey San. Want to do a quick match real quick? Yeosang can help Wooyoung out for a bit." San looks between me and Wooyoung and gives a shrug. "Sure. Just make sure to slowly introduce him to some things. Remember this isn't the world he is used too." I give a sarcastic smile and salute to him, walking over to grab Wooyoung's hands. "Don't worry. If you need us we will be next door lifting some weights or doing something slow." I don't give San enough time to answer because I quickly drag Wooyoung to the weights room.

I let go of his hand to go get the medicine ball and bring it back over to him. "How about we start with this? I got the lightest one so it shouldn't strain or take a lot from you to be able to hold it. Just throw it back and forth for a bit. Get some juices flowing." Wooyoung doesn't answer, but he put's his hands out. In a ready to catch the ball kind of position. I shrug my shoulders and throw it over to him. He catches it with ease and we just go back and forth.

I want to start up a conversation, but what do you say to a boy who is like kidnapped...and you have yet to help him out in this situation at all. As much as I pride myself in not being scared of no one, i'm lowkey afraid of a very mad San. We already been through a situation similar like this and me trying to help the last guy, i'm not sure if it was my fault San killed him or what. So I don't want to find out at Wooyoung's expense.

"I think that's enough for now. Let's-,"

Bang! Bang!

The gun shots doesn't bother me, but it sure did scare Wooyoung. Poor baby.

He quickly drops the weight ball and runs to the corner with his hands over his ears. Contemplating to go get San first or go over to him to make sure he is ok.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Deciding to go to him now because after each one that just went off now he jumps like five feet in the air and with a little whimper. Walking over to him I place my hand on his shoulder, but that just made him even more jumpy which then made me remove my hand just as fast. "I'm not here to hurt you babe." I go to try and comfort him once again, but this time he let's our an ear piercing scream.

I remove my hand and back away a bit in hopes he would stop screaming. It most certainly didn't and instead it just brought in a very mad San. I do not have time for this bullshit.

"What the fuck did you do Yeosang?" San barely just made it thought that statement when Wooyoung got up and ran to him, but ultimately ended up running into him almost knocking San down. San holds him tight and caress his hair while whispering in his ear. Doing his best to calm down Wooyoung all while glaring so hard in my direction.

How the fuck was I supposed to know loud noises trigger Wooyoung into doing shit like that. Not my fucking fault the boy is traumatized or whatever.

I glare back and roll my eyes. Flipping him the middle finger, I walk past them both and out to where ever Jongho might be. Coming into the shooting room I see who the culprit was. I tap Yunho on the shoulder so I can get his attention. "Maybe not fire that again or you will have San on both our asses," just as he pulls off the ear muffs. He gives me a confused look. "Wooyoung get's triggered by loud noises i'm assuming. The loud shots from the gun can clearly be heard from where he was at. I was in there when he started to go berserk so now San just think's it was because of me." Yunho nods his head and quickly shoots another round.

I quickly go up to him and take his gun away while he is laughing his ass off. "That's not funny! Wooyoung can be scared even more now!" That instantly get's Yunho stop laughing. "Ok damn. I was only thinking of San getting more mad at you not of Wooyoung.." Rolling my eyes with an 'Of course that's what you think,' I walk out the room in search of someone else to train with for the day.

I'm part of a family full of dumbass guys. Great. Detected all that damn sarcasm though, right?

Mine.  Ateez  Gang AU {UNDER EDITING AND NO WHERE NEAR COMPLETED AS A STORY} Where stories live. Discover now