Ten - Breakeven

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“I really like your top,” Isabelle commented as we walked through along the path to the quadrangle, the trees surrounding us on either side.

I looked down at my jumper. It was a dark grey sweater with white Christmas-like patterns  around the hem. The drawstrings that came out of the hood fell to my waist and a pocket covered the lower middle of it. I’d had it for a couple of years; I didn’t see what was so nice about it.

“Uh, thanks?” I said as a question, looking at her with a doubting expression.

Her laugh rang into the cool air as we entered the quadrangle. There was a big oak tree in the centre with benches all around. It was deserted except for three boys laughing at the table closest to the trunk of the tree.

“No, really. It looks really comfy,” she nodded in confirmation which made me smile. Isabelle seemed like the type of girl who was really into fashion, but I knew she wasn’t. Even from that comment it was obvious. Fahsionistas would always comment on the cut, colour or style, but Izzy just said that it looks comfortable. I was glad. I struggled to deal with those types of girls. 

Isabelle led me across the grass to the table where the boys were still laughing. Dave and Leo sat on one side of the table, their looks completely contrasting; Dave with his black hair and grey eyes and Leo with his blonde, surfer hair and blue eyes. Opposite them was Isaiah, who was looking at me with a welcoming grin.

“Hey, Lena!” He greeted, patting the seat beside him. I slid onto the bench while Izzy sat opposite me, next to Dave. No one seemed surprised by my arrival and their conversation flowed, not stopping for me which I was grateful for. Although both boys opposite me smiled in greeting.

“Oh, I forgot to ask,” Isabelle said, turning her attention to Dave beside her. “How did Elise do with her piano recital? She hasn’t answered my texts yet.” A pout covered her face while a smile lit up Dave’s. Not that I had any idea what they were talking about.

Isaiah must have noted my confusion as he leaned in so that his lips were close to my ear. “Their families are real close and Elise is Dave’s sister,” he explained. I nodded in thanks.

“She did really well,” Dave responded, fiddling with a leaf he picked up off the table. “And she lost her phone so that’s why she hasn’t responded. But I’ll tell her you asked.”

“You won’t need to,” she said, tilting her head to the side. “I’m coming over tonight for tea. Remember?”

“How could I forget?” Dave asked, pinching her cheek playfully. If there was one thing that was obvious, it was that they were super close. They could have easily been mistaken as a couple.

The wind picked up and sent a burst through the barren quad, sending leaves floating through the air.

“Hey Iz,” Dave said, brushing his black hair out of his eyes. “Didn’t you want to ask everyone something?”

“Oh yeah!” She exclaimed, with a bright smile. “I was wondering if you guys wanna hang out on Saturday? It’s meant to be nice weather so I was thinking about going to the café on the river and just chill along the beach.”

I didn’t think I was really invited so I kept my mouth closed, as always. My attention turned to Isaiah who had started to speak beside me.

“I’m definitely in. Are we gonna swim as well?” He asked, his green eyes dancing with excitement.

“Well you guys can but I’m not going to,” Isabelle responded, even though it sounded like she wanted to swim. Maybe she couldn’t.

“Yeah I’m coming too, of course,” Dave added, thrumming his fingers on the wooden table.

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