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The scorched morning, the deadly heat waves, the dry dusty breeze, the moist scalp, and my tanned skin. I feel like I'm walking in the desert, my sandals no more protecting my soft sole. The park is nearby but I feel I walked a thousand miles.

The park comes into my view, I straightened up not realizing I had been walking like an ape. 

I cross the road, the cars smoking heat. A few weeks back it was freezing but now it is boiling! How can the weather change so quickly? It's global warming and I could feel it.

I step into the green park and the cool air welcomes me, washing my sweat-prone skin away entering into my blue dress.

I sigh, the feeling melts me. 

I strode around the park observing the people and nature in perfect harmony. 

The park seems like a new Earth with fresh evergreen trees. I brisk walk like a child gloriously praising the creator for such an amazing being. 

The food court stands lonely in the woods. It houses a crowd of munching humans. My eyes drop to the bench a few distances from me. A dark messy hair guy occupied the right-hand corner of the bench. He turns as if he sensed me," What took you so long?" 

I occupy the other corner of the bench as my eyes reluctantly fall on the soda Luke was sipping. He pulls out a folded sheet and holds it in my direction. I pluck it from his hands opening it immediately. I glance at the sheet, my eyes widen as I read along.

"It's a good topic," I admit.

"Good? I thought it was perfect." He says facing me.

"Did you force somebody into it?" I investigate.

He smirks.

"Are you hungry? Let's grab some snickers." 

"I'm too thirsty," I say dryly.


"I'll pay for all the materials you require, just name it." 

"Pay? You are supposed to help me! It's our project, we own 50% partnership each." I argue. 

"Judi, I don't deserve the scholarship.......I'm paired up with you .....that's it." He raises his arms in a sign of surrender. 

" Didn't you experience fame when the entire class and Mr. Smith applauded for you?" 

"I received enough fame in football itself."Luke retorted.

" But this time it would be about your academics, not only Mr. Smith but entire staff, students and the principal would appreciate you for being such a multi-talented student." I made sure I emphasized each word so that he could process it. 

His gaze drifted elsewhere as though he envisioned it. Yeah! it worked.

After a long uncomfortable pause, I spoke up," Hannah's birthday is two weeks due."

Luke's head perks up, his eyes flicker like a candle.

" Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"How much earlier must I say?"

He purses his lips eagerly taps his fingers on the table. He stands on his feet swings his jacket on his shoulders and walks away leaving me stranded with half-eaten ice cream.  



{JF Abraham}

The Guy Through My WindowWhere stories live. Discover now