Emma clears her throat, her hands already moving before she even opens her mouth to say, "I found him climbing out the window when I was coming home." Rich, chocolatey eyes drift down to Emma's bouncing hands before flicking back up to meet Emma's gaze. The woman's eyebrows are pinching together, but she doesn't voice her concern. "I'm Allison Cameron, I just moved in next door. And you are?"

"Regina Mills, Henry's mother," she coldly responds, eyeing Emma very skeptically.

"Oh, I uh...thought the..." Emma trails off, her hands falling to her sides as her brain tries to work out what she wants to say, but it doesn't matter because Regina is turning her attention to her son and ignoring the strange blonde on her porch-step.

"Why were you sneaking out? Where were you going?" She fires off, her concern and worries quickly morphing into anger and confusion as she reprimands her son.

Emma's shy disposition quickly melts away and is replaced with a repugnant scowl. She has half a mind to step forward and shake this woman for her repulsive ignorance. Henry is her son, how could she not adapt to his needs and learn his language to help him feel more comfortable?

Henry obviously doesn't justify his actions with a single sign, instead he scowls at his mother and takes off running up the stairs. A small, breathy gasp escapes the brunette's lips and the utter look of betrayal haunting this woman's face is enough for Emma to decide, now is not the time to argue with the stranger's parenting choices.

Chestnut irises sweep back to meet curious green and now Emma notices the dark circles beneath the woman's eyes and she subconsciously frowns. The woman raises her eyebrows and folds her arms protectively across her chest. "Thank you, for bringing Henry home."

"I'm sorry, how have I never seen you before?" Emma stupidly blurts out as if she has some brain malfunction that spits out all her dirty secrets. She folds her arms angrily across her chest to mimic the other woman's stance and holds her gaze. "I assumed his mom was the blonde who is always with him."

"Excuse me, Miss Cameron," Regina Mills growls in her most challenging, authoritative tone while her eyes flash with something that could only be described as pure loathing.

"Look, I know it's not my place, but obviously Henry is going through some stuff right now and maybe he just needs-"

"Do not lecture me on what my son needs," Regina snaps with such a fierce bite that Emma actually clamps her mouth shut. "He is my son and whatever he needs, I can assure you he receives, and then some. So, please, mosey on back over to your side of the yard and get lost in one of your fictional worlds where you actually have a say so. Goodnight, Miss Cameron," she coldly announces the end of their conversation and slams the door in Emma's face.

"Really?" Emma mumbles under her breath before recollecting herself and trudging back to her house with her hands safely tucked in her pockets and not wrapped around that frigid bitch's throat.

She's absolutely disgusted by that woman's poor behavior and her feelings have nothing to do with her, but for that lonely little boy. She groans to herself, pushing her front door open and then slamming it with enough force to shake her walls. She shouldn't be feeling sympathetic for the kid, she hates kids, but the reality is, he reminds her of Milo and she remembers how hurt that little boy was when the people around him chose not to learn sign language.

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