The Asylum

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From the second Mary and her sister got in the asylum they became silent. They didn't say anything to anyone, they just took the medicine they was told to take and that's it .

Weeks went by, Mary noticed strange things about the asylum. No one really said anything. Most asylums you have mumbling out of control patients but these patients just stood there. Mary knew something was up but she wasn't sure what. She was in her room when all the sudden the girl in the other bed said " Get out of here before the doctor kills you.
Mary- You talked.. Since I've been here your the first one to speak . What do you mean before he kills me? What's your name?
Eleanor- My name is Eleanor .All those patients you see out there are dead. He drugs them and takes them down to his lab and clones them . After he's done cloning he chops them up and throws them down the thing that's called the death shoot .
Mary- We gotta stop him.....
Eleanor - It's no use. He will only hurt you if you get in his way.
Mary- I haven't saw my sister in weeks. I wish I knew where she was.
Eleanor- Who's your sister?
Mary - Rosie Beth Macalister .
Eleanor- Thats the girl that's locked inside the room on the 10th floor.
Mary- What's so special about the room on the tenth floor?
Eleanor- That floor hasn't been used in years . That's where he takes the patients that know to much . Rose happen to see him cutting up a patient so he locked her up so she wouldn't tell .

At that moment of rage she grabbed an axe and bashed in Eleanors head even though she didn't even do anything and then she killed all the others and then went to go free Rose from the dark room. Rose knew she killed them because of the blood on her dress .

" Til this day no one knows what happened to Mary and her sister . When the cops searched the place there wasn't a soul in site but the bodies were in the basement rotting away.
After the murders the cops went back to the families home and found more evidence. They found the murder weapon and bloody dresses.

All along the cops thought that Rose was being threatened but Rose was a killer to . How do the cops know that you ask?
Well the cops discovered the house had cameras and on the video footage it shows Mary shooting everyone and Rose stabbing them viciously with a butcher knife. The girls were never heard from or seen again but the scary part was that there one and only living relative Jodie was found brutally murdered.... who did it ? Were never going to know.

All of the sudden the tourists froze in fear. There was someone at the end of the hall.
I instantly thought it was one of my friends trying to make it more real but they killed one of the tourists and laughed . Pretty soon everyone was dead and I was hiding in the basement where the Warden was killed. I knew this tour thing was a bad idea , I never should have came back here . I then saw a window so I ran to it and picked up a chair and busted it and cut myself on the way out but I was out of that place . I ran as fast as I could until I got to town . I was so out of breath by time I made it to the nearest hospital. I explained to them what happened and they asked me if I had proof of it and I wasn't sure I did at first but then I remembered the hidden camera on my hat.

They took the camera and played the footage . I couldn't believe it... they said that it was Mary . Mary must have came back for revenge.

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