The Separate Questioning

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They called Mary and Rose in for separate questioning .

Cop- Your not lying for your sister are you ? Do you know anything about who killed all those people?
Rose - I don't know anything. I was asleep way before the party even started . I play soccer and baseball so I was out cold by 7. I got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and see them laying in blood and that's when I screamed for Mary .
Officer - Did you notice anything unusual about Mary when you woke up?
Rose- She was asleep in bed but I do remember seeing blood trails in hallway.
Officer- That's good information, thanks for helping us now send your sister in.

About 10 seconds later Mary came in.
Mary- I didn't do it, I don't know why your questioning me.
Officer- No one said you did, I questioned your sister and she's not mad so why you acting so frantic?
Mary- I know how this works , I watch a lot of crime shows, you question me and then you decide I'm guilty and I rot in prison.
Officer - Crime is different in real life . We don't have any proof your guilty so we can't just arrest you so what's the last thing you remember before you went to sleep?
Mary- Getting yelled at . My father was drunk and so was everyone at the party . After he yelled at me he hit me and I ran up the stairs and slammed by door . My dad isn't a very nice drunk . He abuses me and my sister .

The cop then left without saying a word.....
Officer- The child was abused ......
Deputy- What's the have to do with the murders .
Officer - I feel deep in my heart that she's the killer. She couldn't take the abuse anymore so she killed him.
Deputy- That doesn't explain why she killed all those other people...
Officer- When a killer kills they can't stop with just one. They have to keep going until there satisfied. Tomorrow I'm going to go and search the house top to bottom and I guarantee I will come back with something that puts that girl in prison for life .
Deputy- in case you forgot the girl isn't old enough for prison.
Officer- I'll make sure she's locked up in an asylum and then when she's old enough she'll be sentenced to life in prison.
Deputy- Well what are we going to do with the little girls for the time being?
Officer- They can stay in the station. Sheriffs are here all night so they stay here until we find out if they have relatives.

What was the officer going to find during the search?
You'll find out In next chapter.

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