The Search

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The officers searched for hours and found nothing other than Mary's diary . They then took it back to the station and handed it to the deputy.

Deputy puts his glasses on......

There is bruises all over me and my teachers always ask me why and I always say I fell but the I fell excuse is getting old to them. I'm tired of my father abusing me, my sister and my mother because he's created problems for all of us . We have to explain to teachers why we are covered in bruises and lie and mom probably has to explain to her coworkers about her all of the sudden black eye . Believe it or not my father used to be a nice guy before his parents were both killed in car accident . My father was in such shock he didn't even know how to act so the first thing he did was pick up a bottle of whiskey and after that he became addicted and our family wasn't the same .

Later on that day

I can't stand my father , tonight is going to be the last time he hits me. It's going to be the last time he hits anyone . I'm so pissed at my mother because dad has a problem with drinking and she's downstairs drinking with him . I've already lost my father to alcohol, I don't want to lose my mother to .
I'm putting an end to them tonight.

The deputy took off his glasses and just sat at his desk in shock. He couldn't believe a little girl could commit such a horrible crime, specially on her own parents . The question now was did she threaten to kill Rose if she told on her ?

We didn't know but for now we was going to keep things quiet and send the girls to the foster home .

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